To best understand the European Renaissance, we explored the assets of an important philosophy/intellectual movement that shaped people’s minds during the time: Humanism. I agree with most (about 88%) of the ideas provided by Humanists.

Secularism is the doctrine regarding the segregation of religious parties and the government. I do agree with the idea of dissociating religion and politics for the sake of impartiality and inclusiveness. Still, I also think that there are certain benefits of a religious government if it is based on an objective belief. Incorporating religion with politics can show and pass on traditions, thus strengthening a country’s uniqueness and culture, providing its citizens with something common to unite over. However, pre-Renaissance religious governments had a lack of impartiality and inclusiveness because of the incorporation of religion, so Renaissance Humanists’ ideas to segregate religion were appropriate for their time.

Individualism focuses on the potential influences and power individuals have, with the power to make their own decisions. Although individuals have influenced our world throughout history and the power of an individual is unlimited, I believe we shouldn’t put too much faith in purely individuals. Like Confucius said, 苗而不秀者有矣夫,秀而不实者有矣夫(There are shoots that never come to flower, and there are flowers that never bear fruit). Even if someone has potential, there is no guarantee that they could achieve anything. Instead of merely believing in individuals, I think it is better to believe in the power of humans as a group in general.

Observation, inquiry, and the study of ancient cultures in the Renaissance greatly improved from the dogma that controlled most of the Middle Ages. Through observation and inquiry, scientists and Humanists explored more about our world through an objective lens. By studying ancient texts and cultures, scholars were bequeathed invaluable ancient knowledge (I do believe to some extent that all epiphanies and discoveries of new knowledge happened before Christ, and what humans are doing is merely using and reforming pre-discovered knowledge).

Contrary to feudalism, which was centered around rigid social classes, Renaissance thinkers prioritized achievement and merit over background. This flexible social system provided more unprejudiced opportunities for power. However, in large countries like China, if the ascent into power is too effortless, the system would likely result in maladroit anarchy with no clear indication of true power. Like in Kurzgesagt’s video Why Korea is Dying Out, humanity needs a balance of rich and poor in order to maintain balance (and/or population). Not entirely a bad thing, a rigid social system helps maintain order. However, the reformation of governments in the Renaissance is a crucial step in our modern objective systems.

Renaissance Humanism brought many changes to European culture. While some of their ideas may have been more appropriate for their time, others have stood the test of time and remain relevant today. In general, Humanism’s innovation led 15th-century Europe out of the Dark Ages.


Am I a Renaissance Humanist? by Alicia Lu



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Am I a Renaissance Humanist?