
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Andy

Gustavo’s book – Mexican revolution


The book I am reading is “Trapped” by Marc Aronson. The book is about about 33 miners trapped 2000 feet below the surface in san jose mine getting rescued. The miners get blocked into the cave, and the whole world has to work together to rescue them, while the miners underground have to work together to manage their supplies and try to survive deep underground in the heat of the earth.

my central ideas are “human life should always be prioritized over profit” and “strength in numbers”

In this page I listed the causes and effects for reasons the mine collapsed, including how the mine was not up to code, a result from the owners neglecting to maintain their mine, and why the miners had to have great teamwork to survive.

This page is about my ideas for central ideas, themes, and issues and what the author wants us to think about how we live differently from them, what we should understand and think about the topic, and what issues there are and how they affect certain people.

This is about how the author uses descriptive words to describe things. I focused on how to author used descriptive writing to describe how much the miners had to work together to survive.

This page is about how my research of other things. The book mentions how pike river mine was another disaster at PG 93, but the only 2 of the 31 miners survived the methane explosion.


Humanities Summatve

My infographic talks about humanism

Humanities Summative Infographic

From my ratings for the topics, I am 70% humanist


App Design – Work in Progress

This is my process journal for the app I am making for my client. This will be updated every class

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