
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Humanities

Zero Hunger (Zunger)

Did you know The Storming of the Bastille is still honored in France as a national holiday?

Although the revolution had its failings, it also helped to end age-old power structures not only within France and Europe, but within their colonies as well. The French Revolution demonstrated that common people could wield political power and utterly transform a nation. In some respects, the French Revolution did not succeed. But the ideas of representational democracy and basic property rights took hold, and it sowed the seeds of the later revolutions of 1830 and 1848

The revolution’s benefits far outweighs its harms. Watch the common craft video in simple english, and read the timeline for more specific details.




How To Money


small paragraph of the pages

How To Money, by Jean Chatzky, Kathryn Tuggle, and the hermoney team, is a book that guides children into learning the economy and mostly how money works, there’s 5 big parts from the book which is; earning, managing, using, learning, and looking to the future, and many chapters that talks about a variety of ways that money works. Some examples of what the book would teach you is: how to create a budget and stick to it, getting your first job and what a paycheck is, how to navigate student loans and avoid student debt, getting your first credit card,  and why it’s important to invest, this book guides small adults to find a way for money to work for  them, planning the future, and managing money well.


This first page shows lesson 1 and 2, about main ideas, themes, issues. The second page kind of builds on the ideas and provide additional book information, symbols, and highlights.

This note book is about my personal connections, cause and effect, descriptive sentences, and examples from the “How To Money” book.

Mind map of the whole book!

1 theme, 5 main ideas, different central ideas, details, and quotes. Highlighted in different colors representing connections and sections. I personally love this page best because it looks like an art work! 🙂

Am I a Humanist?

Big Fish


My found poem is about the main conflict within the short story “The Bass” by W. D. Wetherell, the story’s main conflict is about internal conflict ( struggle within the main character ) between choosing a girl he likes or a precious chance. The protagonist is the girl. And the antagonist (boy) is struggling throughout the story trying to make an decision that he would not regret,  My poem shows the concept because it is presenting all consequences and benefits he had thought of. If he choose the fish, his crush would think he’s dumb, “‘It’s boring and all. Dumb’ she said, making a face.” This quote gave pressure to the boy because he is a fisher men, on the other hand, if he choose the girl he likes it’ll be like loosing a life long chance (“I would lose the fish.” he thought .) The graphic design shows the setting and what was happening during the whole story. It is balancing if he’d loose the chance, against humiliation from the person he likes. This was a tough choice for him because both are very valuable chance to him, the consequence of this decision is making him regret for the rest of the summer. I chose these quotes because it clearly shows the internal conflict in the main character himself. “Hunted me all summer” was what he said to present how regretful he was.

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