
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Category: Humanities

Save The Turtles!

Save our ocean! Stop marine plastic pollution and save those poor animals!

Made by Benny Xiao and Jaden Cao

Credits to Lior the turtle

Journey to Independence

This is a journal written by Daniel about his experience in the revolution wars. Daniel is an 18 year old man and he is a part of the Sons of Liberty. He is a patriot and wants independence and liberty.

The American Revolution, from 1775 to 1783, marked a significant turning point in the history of the United States. During this time, many changes occurred in the American colonies, while some still remained the same. This journal will explore the changes and continuities and the life of a patriot in the American Revolution.


Of the many changes in the revolution, the most important and obvious was the change in the role of the American colonies. TheĀ  from being subjects of the British monarchy to an independent country. The Declaration of Independence, showed us the colonists’ desire for independence, leading to the establishment of a new nation. This was the result of the tyranny rule of the British king and the unfair treatments to the colonists.

The American Revolution started a wave of ideas of rights, liberty, and social contract theory, that influenced the formation of the new American identity and the fundamentals the nation was built. Because of the beliefs of independence during the revolution, the people began to pay attention on liberty and rights.


The colonial society was still an agricultural economy, with many colonists working with in farming and plantations. Land ownership usually meant wealth and social status and hierarchy structures continues in the North and the South.

Slavery was still legal and did not change even though everyone believes in the thoughts of liberty and rights .

Women’s participation in public life, was also still restricted although some women contributed to the war effort as nurses, spies, or supporters. In the end their rights and opportunities for political engagement did not change after the revolution.

While the American Revolution had many significant changes in political structure and rights there were also many things that continue.

American Revolution Common Craft Video

Made by Benny Xiao, Sebastian Shr, and William Jiang

This video is a summary and explanation of the American revolution that we are studying. The video talks about the Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, the Declaration of Independence, the Battle of Yorktown, and the Treaty of Paris. We learned that the causes of the American revolution were because of the oppression by British policies, the lack of representation in the British government by colonists, and the taxation policies. These angered the colonists and ultimately resulted in the American revolution. We learned revolutions happen when the people are feeling like they are not treated fairly. Which is same for both the Russian and American revolution we learned.

Lost in Antarctic: The Doomed Voyage of the Endurance Central idea notebook pages

Lost in Antarctic: The Doomed Voyage of the Endurance by Tod Olson is part of the lost series and is a literary non-ficton book about the adventure of Ernest Shackleton and his crew of the Endurance and their voyage to the bottom of the world (Antarctica). In the expedition their ship the Endurance gets stuck in ice and the crew was trapped in Antarctica. Slowly the Endurance cannot stop the pressure of the ice from squishing it and the Endurance was destroyed and sunk into the water. The only way back was to walk and they started a new adventure to walk back, during that time they met many problems like not enough supply of food and the winter of Antarctica.


This book is very good and you should read it. Here are some notes about the central ideas of the book

The first central Idea I found was people will do anything to survive, I found out some of the evidence that points to this central idea in the book:

The second central idea I found out was the importance of hope. Hope is very important to Shackleton’s team because without it people will give up trying to escape from Antarctica.

The third central idea I found about was about Shackleton and it is Shackleton is a good leader.

I also came up with a theme argument that argues nothing is more important when compared to human life:

I also analyzed the characters thoughts and made a pressure map showing what they are thinking

Last I found out the epilogue could connect with many big ideas, central ideas and also connect with other chapters.

In conclusion you should read this book because it is fun and about a very cool adventure and teaches us a lot about the world.


Are you a Humanist?

Infographic: are you a humanist?

Are you good at Humanities, if so do you want to know if you are a Humanist and believe in Humanism? I agree with Humanism and I think I might be a Humanist. The place I agree most is Secularism and practicing Greek and Roman ideas. This is because allowing a religion to control a government may turn out into total control of the government by the religion. It also helped modern thinking about politics and government. I also agree in practicing ancient ideas because it can help us know what to do according to what they did and improve what they did.

Lather and something else

The title of the short story my poem is about is “Lather and nothing else” and the author is Hernando Tellez. The story is about the protagonist being a barber and the antagonist who killed his people coming to his shop and getting a shave for his beard and the protagonist had a chance to kill the antagonist. The conflict in the found poem I wrote is an internal conflict because the protagonist is struggling between being a hero and being a normal person. The protagonist had the best chance to kill the antagonist but he hesitated. He would be a murderer if he killed the antagonist but be a hero or if he did not he would still be a good barber. Also if the protagonist kill the antagonist another person would come and continue to kill and might be even worse, so what was the point of killing the antagonist. My poem shows the conflict because I shown the struggle in the protagonists mind. I wrote “which murder or hero” showing his hesitate and confuse. Another way the poem shows he has a struggle is when the poem says “nothing more than blood and I don’t murder” it shows his eagerness of killing the antagonist and getting revenge but also not wanting to be like the antagonist and murder people. The pictures I drew on the poem are a razor knife for shaving with blood, a gold cup with blood writing hero on it, and lather with bubbles. I drew a razor knife with blood because I want to show how he thought if he killed the antagonist he would stain the job of a barber and become a shame. The gold cup means if he becomes a hero someone will die for it. Last, the lather and bubbles with blood in it means means the blood of his people and it everyone counts on this shave the part red bubbles and words are the reflection of blood on the bubbles.

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