
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

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App Design – Work in Progress

This is the process journal for my project. It will be updated each class. Follow my journey!

Sewable electronics

Share your original plan, in a picture and in words.

Write about how your plans needed to change (include specifics on what changed) and why they needed to change. Include lots of details here.

These are my original plans but I changed because I thought of a great and specific plan. The first one is a pacman which was already used and is boring so I did not use. The second one is a LED but it is very boring and has only one LED, the last one is a sword but the LED are too close so they won’t work and it was bigger than I though and harder. I used a new one and got inspiration from Harry Potter because I just started reading it again.

This one is a wand, I used brown for the wand and changed it into a bookmark because of its length. It is made from 2 LEDS and I used all running stich. I covered the conductive felt with the wand and left some out that looks like a lightning. THE LEDS are yellow.

This is another important part the learn to sew part. I learn running and back stich. I also learned bury and tie off.

This is starting to sew the back of the bookmark. This is when I met my biggest challenge, I had no thread left and I messed up. Good thing I learned the connecting stiches and cutted out the messed up parts and sorted it out.

This is the finished one when I flick the switch the lights go one

I learned how to sew, and I could help my mom now. I also know how to sew LEDs

Pet Chair

My biggest succsess is making the water flow all over the table

My biggest obsticle was making the water go up and down all over in the water table/chair

One thing I would like to change is make the fish flow around the table/chair and go up and make the chair I sit in better

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