My Cardboard Arcade Design – Shooting Game

One thing that I would do differently is making the bottom board more slanted so after the player shoots the marble to the target, it will roll down on its own instead of needing us to take the marble ourselves to continue playing. Another thing that I would like to do differently is using plastic marble balls as the shooting ball instead of using aluminum foil to make the balls, which has not much power when you shoot it out. I would also like to make the shooting gun able to move around to hit the target, instead of it glueing on the cardboard.

Skills that I learned or developed were using the cutting knives to cut cardboard and not cut myself, and I am using the hot glue better than before.

Overall, I think this product was successful because we worked very hard on it and even if there are some places that wasn’t done well, it still works and the 4th graders liked it.

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