
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: mexican revolution

Mexican Revolution

This journal is based on the real Mexican Revolution. It is written in first-person in perspective of Burrito, a land owner who was not respected by others because he had a nice heart. He treated his men like co-workers and respected them in every way. He even payed his workers.


The Mexican Revolution was worth all the fighting in my opinion because if there wasn’t a revolution, Mexico wouldn’t be free from the royal family, and their ruling tactics. There would always be slaves and inequality.

The Mexican Revolution in 3:17-minutes

Hi, this is Emma and Irene’s Common Craft video about the Mexican Revolution. In this video, you will watch the Mexican Revolution in only 3:17-minutes. The main characters of the revolution are Francisco Madero, Poncho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Victoriano Huerta, and Venustiano Carranza. It all started in 1910, when Mexico was under control by Porfirio Diaz. He used force to get power to be president of Mexico. There were these revolutionaries who didn’t seem to support him……

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