Part 1: Divergent Ideas:

The ideas that we came up were, chopsticks for noodles, peanut pincher and a cup that can cool water very fast. The first idea we came up was the chopsticks for noodles. We came up with this idea because one of us just had noodles for lunch, and she thinks that the regular chopsticks was too slippery for noodles. Than we came up with the idea of the peanut pincher. Because we already had the idea of picking up food with something similar to chopsticks, we thought that when picking peanuts the honey on the peanut will make dirty, so, we could design something that don’t make your hands dirty. The third idea that we came up with was the cup. We got this idea because we heard that other groups are talking about cold water, and we thought that if we add ice to the water, the water will taste bad, so we designed this cup that you put ice on the outside, so the taste of the water won’t change. 



Part 2: Feedback & Refinement:

The most feedback that we got is that we needed more explanations, so we wrote more to make the drawing clear, and we wrote the problem that the utensil is solving, to show the difference between the two similar designs. And a feedback said that for our third drawing, the cup, ice will fall down when we drink the water. I think they think this way is because we didn’t draw so clearly, so we drew the drawings more clear, to better show our thinking.



Part 3: Reflect & Share:

The problem that our utensil is solving is that when you are eating honey coated peanuts, you will get your hands dirty, and if you use our utensil, you won’t get your hands dirty. The material that we decided to make the utensil out of is reusable plastic, because it won’t pollute the Earth, and also because if you only want to use it one time, it’s going to be cheaper than buying a wood peanut pincher. The strengths of our utensil is that your hand won’t get dirty when you want to eat honey coated peanuts, especially when you are working, your computer won’t get dirty. The weaknesses of our utensil is that it might not be just right for every peanut, but we think that if we make the curve for big peanuts, it can still pick up the small peanuts.