The story I choose is Tuesday of the Other June by Norma Fox Mazer.

  1. I used almost the whole story, but typically I used page 1, 3 and 7 the most.
  2. This story is called Tuesday of the Other June by Norma Fox Mazer.
  3. The concept of the poem is about internal conflict June is having. Throughout the whole story, June.T was always getting bullied by another June called June.M. The bullying started in the swimming lesson in Tuesday. When the bullying started to get harder and harder, she  started to have a dream of herself revenging to June.M in the night. Paying back what she did to herself. Kicking, punching and grabbing her like a dog, shacking. After the few days having those dreams, and when she finally determined to revenge her, she suddenly realized what her mom told her. Be good, be good, be good my Junie. If you smile to the world, world will surly smile back. This shows that she is struggling with her desire. She knows that revenging in a same way June.M did is bad, nonetheless she wants to revenge her.
  4. My poem shows how the main character is struggling with her own desire. First one is “My dream, kicking, punching, grabbing her chin like a dog. June.M.” And the other one, My mother, smiles at me, be good, be good, be good my Junie. If you smile to the world, world will surely smile back.
  5. Artworks –>

1. The demon and the angel:

The demon represents her desire, wanting to revenge June.M. The angel represents herself knowing that revenging is bad, and she should not do it.

2. The background:

The background has divided into black and white. Black part represents that bad choice June.T is trying to make, and the white part represents the good choice she can make. So the colors are divided into black and white.

3. Light and the girl:

The girl shows June.T, struggling with her own desire, and the light help enhance the emotions and confusions June.T is feeling.

4. Font:

I choose the white neon font, that can fully show the hollowness and doom, June.T is feeling.