“Don’t be Evil”

The inspirational book Google It by Anna Crowley Redding describes the true story of how two students revolutionized the world by committing themselves to the passion of organizing the world’s internet. Starting with seemingly typical homework, but what they ended up with is unexpected: the most innovative and influential company in the world, Google. What they experienced was arduous, sometimes encountering failures and frustrations. Still, Larry and Sergey never gave up.
They knew success would soon arise for them.

Anna Crowley Redding shares an informational, interesting, and inspirational story of bravery and intelligence. My experience of reading Google It was compelling; nevertheless, let’s move on to my ‘probes’ of the book.

During the first few days of reading, many central ideas or themes ‘popped out’, but which one would continue and pass through the whole book? I looked at the title of the book: Google It, and I knew the whole book will be about Google. I was right about my inference. I was about to notice facts and ideas about Google throughout the whole book. Therefore,  it made it easy to add different quotes about my central idea from different places in the books too.


Not long after my first central idea I started my first theme. At that time I was reading about the start of Google. I really noticed how hard it was for Sergey and Larry to find the resources for their project. Being only a normal, Stanford student, they did not really have a lot of power to be able to obtain enough resources. Despite the challenges, Sergey and Larry were able to find ways to solve their problems through ‘picking up’ unused computers. Though this problem only appeared for a section of the book, it certainly brought a theme that all of us should learn about.

As I moved further into my book I really noticed the unique and the special about Google It. It’s not like any ‘normal’ non-fiction book, filled only with facts and information. Google it was able to contain fact based information, but feels like a story book. I really find the characters abundant, filled with different traits, and thoughts; so, I wanted create a page for Larry and Sergey to show their unique traits. They are similar, but definitely have some differences too.

I was already at the middle of the book, but I really wanted to move back to the start of my book to find something that I might have missed. At first I didn’t seen ‘backgrounds’ and the ‘inspirations’ of Sergey and Larry that important compared to the other informations. But after re-reading I really find the the ‘inspirations’ for Sergey and Larry crucial. Without the inspirations, maybe Larry and Sergey won’t reach today’s ‘height’ ! I wonder what’s the cause of the inspirations, and the effect of the inspirations; therefore, this pages was created. I really placed effort in this page, and I’m really proud for it.

Thank you for spending your time ‘digging’ into my notebook. I hope from today’s experience of my blog you are interested into learning more about Google. Reading Google It by Anna Crowley Redding would really be a pleasure, increasing your knowledge about Google more while about to enjoy non-fiction! Finally, if my title seems difficult to understand, you can always Google it on Google.

Have a great day!


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