
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Tag: Mexican Revolution

Mustaches, Sombreros, Battles, and Blood.

¡Hola! My name is Esperanza Hernández, and I’m one of the people that have managed to survive the Mexican Revolution. Throughout the revolution, i started as a married sixteen year-old woman and later managed to become a soldadera. If you’re interested in my story, you can read my journal down below.

Change and continuity

Throughout the Mexican revolution, so much has changed yet so much has also stayed the same. Something that has changed is the role of the Mexican government. Before the revolution, it was believed that the government should only take a passive role in the government. Later after the Mexican Constitution of 1917, the belief was changed and the national government had an obligation to take an active role in promoting the social, ecenomic, and cultural wellbeing of the citizens. Another thing that changed was woman rights. Before the revolution, woman weren’t even recognized as citizens of Mexico. Throughout the revolution, the woman managed earned their spot in Mexico through their help in the Revolution and even fighting in the revolution. Even though some restraints were still put on woman, they did manage to earn more rights for themselves. However, some things still stayed the same. One thing that stayed the same was the constant state of disagreement between the different revolutionary factions. Throughout the revolution, the constitutionalists demanded democracy while the constitutionalists demanded agrarian reform. The two main revolutionary forces fought time after time during battle and one example would be the Battle de Ceyala. This war was forever remembered as the bloodiest war that was fought between the constitutionalists and the conventionalists. Another thing that continued throughout the revolution was the desire for Agrarian reform. The idea of agrarian reform started with Zapata’s Plan de Ayala and continued throughout battles. Many people fought with their lives for the change but not much was accomplished. In the end, even after agrarian reform was established, many peasants continued to experience poverty. 

Land and liberty!

Think of Mexico, what do you see? Deserts? Tacos? Sombreros? Cacti? Mexico’s history is actually more complicated than you might think. Mexico’s revolution was filled with battles and bloodshed. Mexico had changed 5 presidents in the course of ten year. This is a short five minute video about the Mexican Revolution. The video talks about the important turning points, main figures, and details about events in the Mexican Revolution. This video introduces the Mexican Revolution from the perspective of the main players taking part in the action. The Mexican Revolution started from a revolt of two group called the Constitutionalists and the Conventionalists. The Constitutionalists-led by Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa- wanted agrarian and civil reform. The Conventionalists-led by Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregon- wanted a democracy and a change in government, but weren’t as interested in land reform. Hope you enjoy the video!

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