For this project, my group and I made Plinko as our cardboard arcade. One of the obstacles that was in our way was sometimes the materials that we needed to use were put away, so that gave us less and less time to finish this project. At times, we had a bit of difficulties while trying to communicate because we all had different ideas, or didn’t understand what the other was talking about, but eventually, we can to a consensus. If we were to do this project again, one thing I would do differently is measure the toothpicks more precisely. One piece of advice I would give a future student doing this project is if you have completed what you aimed for, try to improve, or if you have a piece that you built that can easily break make another one as a replacement. Overall, I think this project was successful because I improved my skills in building, and gained a friendly relationship with my teammates throughout the process.
Tairan January 18, 2023