The protagonist of this story is named Juan Pablo. Juan Pablo comes from a humble origin because his father was just a simple farmer. Juan Pablo was a skinny boy; almost everyone in his small town bullied him. Juan was upset because of this so he promised himself to become strong. He decided that to become strong he has to fight. He joins the Mexcian Revolution to learn to fight and eventually Juan Pablo becomes one of the strongest people around. He became strong not so that he would not get bullied anymore but also to make his father proud.
After the revolution, I realized some things that had stayed the same, and some things that have drastically changed. I guess I should start with the changes, well, first of all, there was now about an equal amount of wealth among everybody. This was because Obrégon issued his laws to make them more equal because he wanted more support from the lower class, and he got it. Another thing that had changed is obviously the amount of fighting because now that the lower class is happier they do not have that much reason to fight anymore. The education system changed as well because after giving the peasants land reform he wanted them to become smarter so he passed a law to cause peasants to gain more money. Finally, the last thing that I saw change is that ended dictatorship in Mexico and established a constitutional republic so the voting system is fairer. At the same time, there were things that stayed the same. For example, one thing that stayed the same was that presidents were still only allowed to serve a maximum of two terms. Another major thing that did not really change is social reform, social reform is reshaping and reforming culturally accepted laws and norms so that new cultures can be accepted. Finally, despite the excitement for land reform, lots of peasants continued to experience poverty.