June Eyes


This is my found poem that was taken from The Tuesday before June page 5 paragraph 26-37. This story was made by Norma Fox Mazer. In this story we see External Conflict because the protagonist fights an antagonist. The protagonist is a girl named June and the Antagonist is another girl named June. The antagonist picks on the protagonist calling her means names like fish eyes or she punches her.  In my found poem I drew a fish with big eyes signifying the name she was called when she was bullied.







“Keven Eyes”

The real name of this story is The Tuesday before June by Norma Fox Mazer

We see a baby fish getting bullied. The sharks are telling the fish named Keven that he is stupid and he has big eyes. Keven is very sensitive when people mention about his eyes. Keven is usually always a happy goldfish but when he is with the sharks he starts frowning. The sharks do not only bully Keven mentally they bully him physically, they put their fins around him so they can pinch him and they put their fins into a ball and punch Keven. Keven is left with bruises but tells Momma Goldfish that he tripped on the coral. Keven is depressed and thinks that there are only two good days of the week. The only two good days are when Keven is with Momma Goldfish. One day Keven arrived home with another bruise and told Momma yet another lie but Momma did not believe it this time so she went to town hall to talk about bullies. Then Mayor Salmon made a law that all bullies will be kicked out of the reef. The next day the sharks went up to Keven and suspected he had something to do with the new law so they beat him up, but without knowing Momma Goldfish was hiding behind coral. Momma Goldfish had enough evidence to get them kicked out of the reef but she told them that if they bully him one more time she would kick them out of the reef. So from that day forward the sharks never bothered Keven and Keven learned that everyday can be the best day for a little Goldfish.
