“Abstract photography can be defined as capturing images which the subject isn’t the most interesting element.”

I believe abstract photography is the image of ordinary items but are in an ironically unique form because of the creative photography techniques used to portray the meaning of the image. By using various angles, filters, and blurring techniques, ordinary items from our daily lives can be captured with an intriguing message from an unexpected point of view.


What does formal elements mean in photography?

Formal elements in photography refers to the fundamental components/elements that contribute in the way of how a photo is exhibited to impact the audience in a certain way/picture a specific message.

Describe and give examples of each of the 6 elements discussed so far:

  1. Line — the significance of the thickness, curves, directions of lines in the image.
  2. Shape — the significance of what the shapes portrays and how the shapes interact with shadows, lighting, and other elements in the image.
  3. Pattern — the significance of the repetitions of lines, shapes, shadows, reflections, and colors in the image.
  4. Texture — the significance of how the image would feel like if it was touchable.
  5. Tone — the significance of lights and shadows allowing the image to portray darker and lighter values.
  6. Focus — the significance of which object/place the camera’s focus is on.

Can an image show just one element at a time?

The elements line, shape, pattern, texture, tone, and focus can be found in every image, but most pictures are focused on just one element in order to express the photographer’s portrayed emotion and ensure that the image’s visual representation aligns with the message of the image.

Example of formal elements in a picture

This is a photo taken in school by my friend and I on her CANON G7X camera. Elements such as tone and line play a vital role in this picture. The camera itself has a comparably yellow tinted filter to it and with it mixed with the sunset during the afternoon, it gives a comforting and warm feeling for the audience. There are a lot of lines portrayed in the photo such as the long road in the middle, the vertical lines on the wall and the windows by the side, giving a organized and structured feeling. Using this image as an example, it emphasizes how formal elements are able to be found in even random pictures like this, so if formal elements were utilized with a purpose, it could significantly change the message and mood of the photo


MLA citations

  1. “The Formal Elements in Art.” HardleyArt, HardleyArt, 25 Mar. 2012,
  2. “Focus: Understanding the 7 Formal Elements of Photography.”,


“Abstract photography can be defined as capturing images in which the subject isn’t the most interesting element. Albert Renger-Patzsch, Edward Weston and Aaron Siskind photographed the ordinary to reveal their beauty. Uta Barth reversed the typical use of the camera, shooting out of focus and Andreas Gursky photographs the repetition of elements. During this unit you will investigate appropriate examples of abstract photography and respond in your own way.”


List three things the photographer might have been interested in capturing in this picture

  1. The combination of shapes
  2. The neutral color of the object
  3. The shadows being a significant element of lines and tones

If you were the photographer, what title would you give it? Explain why.

If I was the photographer, I would have titled this photo as “CROSSWALKS”. This is because it illustrates how even the simplest shadows and patterns can be interpreted from different perspectives for different people. When I first looked at the photograph, the contrast between light and dark shadows along with the repetitive lines, immediately made me think of crosswalks.

Describe the use of line, shape, Pattern, texture, tone and focus

The usage of lines and tones are especially significant in this photo because the lines itself are being “drawn” by the shadows and contrasts of light. The lines are creating a pattern and rays of lines, giving an obvious focus on the shadows. The texture seems smooth because of the neutral tones of the object.


For this blog, we were given pictures to use as a template for our photo safari. When comparing my images to the given pictures, there are some noticeable similarities and improvement I can make. Pictures that are more simplistic like photos 1, 4, and 6 were easier to be taken as they were shapes, lines, and patterns that could be found conveniently, but pictures such as 2 and 5 were more challenging as it took more time to find similar images. During this process, I realized that shapes, lines, and patterns can be found on everything, everywhere if we just look closer to our surroundings.

My image:                                                                                Given picture:


Formal elements – Line, Tone

Worked/Didn’t work  This image resembles the given picture as there is a vivid contrast between the darker color of the blue plastic bin and the white paper bin which is separated by the straight line in the middle.

My image:                                                                            Given picture:


Formal elements – Shape, Line

Worked/Didn’t work – The rectangular shape on the plain white box resembles the original photo’s main point of the black square. Although I found the accurate object that is can portray a similar image to the given picture, I can improve on this picture by changing the way it has been taken, as the small rectangle looks as if it is more on the center right, rather than upper right.

My image:                                                                               Given picture:


Formal elements – Texture, Focus

Worked/Didn’t work – This image resembles the given picture as the zoomed in focus of the grass and the emphasis on texture aligns with the original picture.

My image:                                                                             Given picture:


Formal elements – Texture, line, tone

Worked/Didn’t work – This image resembles the original given picture as there is a clear contrast of texture and tone for all three rows. This image has a vivid classification of the different rows separated by the lines, but a minor difference is that the original photo is a pattern of rows, whereas there is no pattern in my image.

My image:                                                                         Given picture:


Formal elements – Line, Pattern, Focus

Worked/Didn’t work – This image resembles the original given picture as the fence exhibits the clear pattern of vertical lines. An improvement I can make is trying to find an object that does not have much background objects, as the focus of this photo is less vivid and the background is too eye-catching.

My image:                                                                          Given picture:


Formal elements – Shape, Focus

Worked/Didn’t work – This image given picture extremely accurately as the focus of the clock’s circular shape is the same as the original picture.

My image:                                                                             Given picture:


Formal elements – Lines, Pattern

Worked/Didn’t work – This image does not resemble the original picture, as I should have took the photo where the “center” of the photo is slanted towards the left side and show the two columns of three boxes. My image only portrays two rows of four boxes and how the picture is taken makes all four boxes look symmetrical in size.

My image:                                                                           Given picture:


Formal elements – Pattern, Shapes

Worked/Didn’t work – This image did not work as although my idea of using the Apple icons to represent the dots was a creative and good idea, I should have taken the photo in front where the photo doesn’t look like there is a slight angle to it.

My image:                                                                          Given picture:


Formal elements – Pattern, Lines

Worked/Didn’t work – This image resembles the original given picture as the rock pattern of the floor and the grid both have a consistent repetition of squares.

My image:                                                                          Given picture:


Formal elements – Lines, Focus, Texture

Worked/Didn’t work – This image resembles the original given picture as the image’s focus is on the curve and angle of the stairs. Although it is similar in shape, I can improve by emphasizing the tones and darker parts of the image for contrast like the original picture.

My image:                                                                          Given picture:


Formal elements – Line, Shape, Texture

Worked/Didn’t work – This image did not work as my attempt of the angle and shapes are clear, the contrast of tones and the angle are not accurate.

My image:                                                                          Given picture:


Formal elements – Texture

Worked/Didn’t work – This image did not work as the given picture and my image’s focus on texture is the same, but the texture itself is different. The original given picture’s texture is more rough and is structured with lines, whereas the my image is the texture of grass.

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