Me and my partners where brainstorming ideas for designing a utensil to help eat certain foods, one of the first things we thought of was when people eat chips they get oily hands so we thought that eating them with chopsticks would work however, chopsticks are not a new invention. Next we thought of a basket/net thing that would keep your hand clean when eating popcorn. Also sushi falls apart so we thought of edible glue. We also thought of a grabber hand that would give pizza a structure so the contents would not fall of the end of a droopy pizza, and it would also keep the grease off your hands. Next we thought of a noodle spinner that could collect noodles efficiently, like a powered fork for eating spaghetti but for all noodles. We also came up with a burger stand, the idea for this was that when people eat burgers, the contents of the burger just fall out the back so by placing you burger on it, the burger stand stops the contents of the burger from falling out. Another idea was bone disintegrating acid, this one is definitely different from the others, the concept was the that fish are too boney so disintegrate them.
The feedback that we got was not especially useful, but very supportive of the noodle spinner and we ended up using that. Some of the feedback we got was, “wouldn’t the noodle spinner be messy.” we hadn’t thought of that before so we made the noodle spinner have controls so you can choose how fast you want it to go. Another was on the burger stand that was about if you take the burger out it would fall apart, the burger stand was meant not to hold a burger just to stop the stuff falling out.
The strengths of our utensil would be that it is designed for all noodles, it has adjustable spinning speeds so that noodles don’t go flying everywhere when you use it. It is easy to charge, it also has a comfortable handle for maximised comfort when spinning up noodles.