Thing that stayed the same: Violence stayed the same during the revolution, during the revolution there are 5 battle that happened in 10 years that are all really bloody. (Battle of Celaya, Juarez 1 and 2, Ten Tragic Days, and the battle of Zacatecas). President election also kept happening, there were 5 president’s during the revolution. (Diaz, Madero, Huerta, Carranza and Obregon). Backstab also kept happening, How everyone is killing and united with their “enemy” and then killing each other in their plans.
Things that change: The Mexican Revolution changed government ownership of the subsoil, holding of land by communal groups, the right of labor to organize and strike. And also the Constitution of 1917 (that still effects today)
Was the Revolution worth it: From my point of view: I think that the revolution was worth it, because if there was no revolution, Mexico will be totally different today. Even though that the revolution was bloody and horrible, people died and houses were destroyed, it was all worth it as long as that now, the people in Mexico is living happily and they got there own rights. That was what the revolution was fighting for. as long as the reached there goal no matter how hard was the process it would be worth it.
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