Am I a Renaissance Humanist?

Am I a Humanist? by Sisi Zhao [STUDENT]

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In total, I am 86% a Renaissance humanist. I rated individualism 4.5/5 because I do believe that individual potential should be valued above the background of people, but however -0.5 points because in the Renaissance, people of lower statuses would not have as much chances as the elite to demonstrate their individual potential. I give secularism 4/5 because it was a great improvement in comparison to the Middle Ages, when people thought trading to be sinful. However, I rated classical ideas 3.5, because even thought the architecture and artwork of the ancient Greeks and Romans were amazing, a lot of medical practices were based on superstition and perhaps ineffective. Humanity’s potential value is 5/5, because humans have achieve many great things throughout the course of time, for example a person from the medieval times might have never even imagined going into space, and future humans might achieve things we could never have thought of. I give study of the humanities 4.5/5 because I believe curiosity and the desire for knowledge is important to improve yourself.

Imaginary Murder at the Barber’s

The story of which my found poem was made from is “Lather and Nothing Else”, written by Hernando Téllez. The conflict in the poem is internal conflict, because it is when the protagonist is struggling with himself about whether to kill Captain Torres or not. The protagonist imagines a scene of what would happen if he had murdered Captain Torres, who had only just come for a shave. Finally, the protagonist decides that it would be unjust and cowardly to kill a man, even if he is the enemy, who had only just come for a shave. My poem depicts the scene where the protagonist is imagining what would have happened if he murdered Captain Torres, without revealing that the protagonist has not actually killed him. At the last few lines, I added what Captain Torres said to the protagonist, thanking him for the shave, and revealing that he had known that he had known the protagonist was an enemy, and that he agrees killing is not easy. In my poster, I used dark red and blood splatters for the background to create a feeling of unrest. Then I added a Barber shop sign, to show the location of the poem. I also added some cut-throat razors instead of modern razors, to help the reader better picture the scene.