Artist Link

-Admittedly speaking, most of these works does not match my artist of research in both style and theme. As seen mostly, except for image 2, all of the other pieces has multiple colors indeed but only of one tone barely differing the colors. Additionally, most of these images seem rather depressed than happy. Reflecting on these phenomenons, I believed that aside from my personal issue of being unable to capture my intent within photography, it is generally hard to perceive and capture moments of happiness in such a stressful society where everyone has weight on themselves by all means and through all forms. To counter this problem, I will attempt to capture more moments by myself and if seen unsuccessful, I would attempt to change my statement of intent and theme.


-These photos do not tell a whole story altogether. However, each photo stands for an individual aspect of their subjects and presents a tale of them roaming within the society, providing the value they hold themselves and then disappearing into the sea of people never to be noticed. Following this point, it is more of a perspective ratio of the subject to the society (the environment around them) they habit within.


-The order of 1-5 is based on my personal likings of the pieces. There were no specific rule or standards within my judgment, nor is it related to the theme/intent (does not mean I am ignorant of them). I believe that I should present what I am most proud of.

Skill Development

-A big improvement I have made since the last trial is subject framing (composition), something that I have pointed out in the last trail. For photos in this set, the subject are framed much more proportional and rationale (framing makes sense) which achieves the effect of focusing on the subject yet also enhancing it with the background.

Self Development

-As a photographer, I have grew more patient and certain, both in the photo-shooting process and the editing process. For example, this trail, I spent a considerable amount time roaming around looking for good angles instead of just taking whatever I saw during the last trail. Additionally, while editing and selecting, I was more decisive and critical on the photos I choose to present. This is obvious by the quality and quantity contrast of this trail and the last.

Strength and Success

-One great significance that I achieved was to capture the exclusive the moments of life on individuals. Aside from this, I believe that I was able to produce decent pieces despite not being able to effectively communicate my message. Continuing from this point on, I believe that I benefitted a lot from my photographical and skill development during this trail and is overall successful.


-I most definitely need to work on communicating my intent. However as stated earlier, after many attempts and trails there is a complication of reasons to the absence of my intent within these photos which I will most likely decide to change my statement of intent in-order to effectively combat this problem.

New Set Expectation

-The major expectation that I have for myself and my upcoming final set is that I can clearly and effectively capture, then demonstrate my statement of intent within my pieces. This will allow me to present the results proudly and “in good form”.


-This is my best piece yet, I used framing and lighting to capture this “deep” moment on a road lamp and used editing techniques to make it look cold and dramatic, forming this dim looking shot. For improvements, I can consider raising the exposure on the light itself so it contrasts with the darkness and create a scene of another level.


-This is a piece taken on the side of statues as if they were humans being photographed. Although seemly bland, this piece is a perfect demonstration of my creativity and how I express my own world, having it shine into reality. I exclusively exploited the rule-of-thirds on this image to frame a composing shot. To improve, I can pull the subject in closer or attempt different angles to achieve different effects.


-This is simple and standard, but perfectly introduces people as unnoticed individuals in society where everyone does their own job and never gets exclusive attention. I used a slight (barely visible) tilt on the shot to make it natural and attempted to capture the group of subjects walking by. To improve, I need to frame the shot on the subjects a bit more otherwise they almost fade into the background making this photo blend.


-This is a contrast of time. In the picture the old man is scene walking into the distant with a giant building in front of him. Aside from the big and small scaling, this is a reference from Attack on Titan scenes where they would have low to high shots to exaggerate the titan’s differences to the characters. With this photo, I portrayed a low to high perspective without any exclusive angles, something that I believe was done successfully. To improve, I should take lighting into consideration so that it can enhance the contrast that has been presented and create better scene.


-This is an accidental success. For this photo, I originally intend to take pictures of the kids playing while an adult was walking by. However because I was swinging on a machine while doing so, the picture ended up being tilted and slightly blurred to the point where the subjects looked like ghosts. Based on that idea, I decided to add more color to it and fixed the exposure, contrast, and highlights to make it look gloomy just as seen now. To improve, I think I can put more lights on the subjects so it creates a obvious contrast with the surrounding objects and environments.


Major Critique: These photos were ones that I exclusively considered putting into the set but did not end up making it because I found them unfitting with the intent or the photo’s general theme does not align with what I am trying to communicate.