<Refined Statement of Intent>

I want to present the reflection of reality through the presentation of enfolding imagery.

  • My initial statement of intent ended up failing so I turned to this idea instead. In simple terms, I will be using distortion within my subjects to demonstrate the enfolded and abstract reality that exposes within them. Aside from angles, this will require photo editing techniques which I hold with confidence.
  • My inspiration came from artist Antonio Gutierrez Pereira and an internet trend where posters would photoshop their faces with stars and galaxy elements.


<Artist Research>

Antonio Gutierrez Pereira is an artist from Vigo, Spain. She does not have a specific series of photographs, instead all of her photos are focused on the used of distortion and abstraction through the creative positioning of glasses. Her technique of glass placements characterizes her work by making the subject’s eyes appear bug-like. Her ways of expression deeply inspired me and I also see the distorted reality within her work. Despite having different intentions, she truly enlightened me on this new idea.


“Casa Branca” by Antonio Gutierrez Pereira

  • This photography shows a tilted view of the subject. The camera is centered on the combination of the glass and the subject with negative space and a reflecting surface on the sides. Although the table does have reflecting surfaces, it is arguable that the reflection is not the main focus, instead it is the subject because otherwise the table would have been in frame more. Antonio uses a square composition which creates a symmetrical feeling, generating a contrast to the shifted subject. Black&white coloring is used most likely because Antonio wants to dictate a neutral tone, allowing the audience to focus on the subject rather than sub elements like color or emotion. Overall this piece was chosen to be written on because it is Antonio’s “most famous” piece, also what initially inspired me.

