
  • This set of experiments targets close-up technique, camera tilts, and lighting. Throughout the experiment, I tried different angles with different levels of zooms alongside different ISOs and lighting tones. Overall, I was able to adjust an ISO of 800 for my final sets to use under standard artificial lighting and a still angle to present my subjects in. One major mistake I will need to overcome in my final set which was exposed by this experiment is focusing. I need to make sure I perfectly combine auto focus and manual focus together to have the focus on my subjects completely and no the background.

<Change in Plans>

  • To fully express my intentions for journey-themed photographs, I must collaborate with my model in a place with snow. As of the current situation, I cannot achieve any of those until I go on my skiing trip during the winter break. Therefore, after negotiating with Mr. Stewart, I have decided that I will temporarily complete figure photography to meet the proper deadline, and the Journey photographs will be done afterward. All of the Preparation will still apply to journey-themed photographs.

<Breif Preparation>

  • My reference images are alined in an increase in height fashion. These are images that I have found that inspired me to undertake figure photography.
  • The first image is a wide-framed photo of a stormtrooper figure on the beach. This photo used the rule of thirds to position the storm trooper in a position where it looks like the figure is actually walking. At the same time, negative space and depth of field are inflicted together to form a distant and empty feeling, conveying a lonely emotion.
  • The second image is a wide-framed photo of a person napping on a rock amidst green “vegetation.” A contrast of color is used between white and green to make the subject stand out. The camera also focuses on the subject only and blurs out the rest of the background to explicitly present the napping figure, which creates a sense of harmony with the nature surrounding it. The rule of thirds is also used, which creates a negative space that shows its loneliness and communicates an undisturbed and calm emotion.
  • The third image is a landscape-framed photo of Darth Vader alongside a stormtrooper.Usingf figures as subjects creates a contrast in color between black and white. At the same time, a contrast in context is also presented as a scene that would be unimaginable within the original story of which both figures are frm, is brought into reality. The swing also brings and communicates an emotion of joy.