<Best 3>
- This is named “company” based on the theme of the image. Two figurines, one white and the other pink are seen sitting on the edges of a butterfly lamp, looking at each other. This composition communicates the theme of love through positioning and lighting. I purposely positioned the figures at the edges of the butterfly, making them seemingly distant yet close as if they were “looking” at each other. This contrasts literal and imaginary distance, enhancing the connection between the subjects and their relationship. I used the butterfly light left by our previous apartment owner to my advantage, as the light created a shadow effect on the subjects, making them dark yet visible as their outlines were shaped. The light also reveals the butterfly, creating a romantic environment that magnifies the theme of love. An edit t was made by cutting the frame from 6×19 to 1×1 to remove unwanted negative space that ruins the concentration of the image. To improve, I should shine slightly more light on the subjects to make them more apparent for presentational purposes.
- This is named “hangout” based on the motif of the image. The three figurines are seen sitting on “chairs” made of grapes in a triangular formation and seemingly talking (suggested by the hand gestures). Such a composition of subjects creates a joyful and relaxing environment, which dictates the calming and casual tone of the photograph. I also compared the grapes and subjects to show how tiny they are scaled to real-life objects they were supposed to represent. This, in a way, makes the scene feel “silly,” which contributes to the calming and relaxing theme. I used the rule of thirds and focusing techniques to create a focus in the image, which helps my audience break down the “motif” I have sent within the work. By joining into a side angle and placing the black figurine on the left side alone while also focusing on it, this subject stands out more to the audience, creating a point of focus and achieving my intended effect. I did not make any edits to this photo, especially not the lighting, because I am satisfied with the composition and brightness, which inflicts a dramatic visual. To improve, I should try more props to suggest each figurine’s actions more to make the scene more interesting.
- This is named “construction” because of the scene shown. There are 4 figurines seen in total, two of which carry the muzzle parts of the toy gun in the back, one is dragging a magazine, and the last is just sitting and watching. The composition makes the scene look like a construction site, as each worker is putting pieces together while supervised by someone. I used the diversity of color as a contrast between the figurines, so I purposely left black and white on the left side of the image while red and blue stayed on the center-right side. I had this separation of colors to make the color contrast look more organized and less “random”. I put the main focus on the blue figure at the front because it can create a shallow depth of field with the other figurines in the back, enhancing the visuals of this scene. As a result, this image communicates a busy theme as the figurines “work” together to build a toy gun. I edited this photo by raising the overall brightness to better show the colors and actions of the subjects. To improve, I should find a different angle not so distant and have the red figurewhollyy shown in the frame to lay out my subjects better.
<Final Experiments>
- This final experiment was “good” overall. I was able to overcome the issue of focusing by using auto focus and manual focus at the same time, switching between the two when needed and finding the best angles. I also made many attempts with different scales, zooms, and positions which gave me a wide pool of choices for my final selections. In the future, I should try out scenes with more elements or setups included for more interesting takes.
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