Are YOU a Humanist? – Poster (Portrait) (
(I’m not sure why it looks all pixelated and stuff but that’s what I got)
Read my poster first before the bottom part I put down here.
So according to the poster, I’m probably eighty percent humanist at least. For the Humanities part, I agree that we should learn about it because it has a ton of different stuff you can learn in it and we still learn it today. For Unlimited potential, I agree with this too because I feel like anyone can accomplish something amazing and expand the human knowledge if they put their best effort and mind to it. For the Question Everything part, I also agree with this, because questions can teach you a lot of cool things, like when I wondered: “If heat rises, why are mountains cold?” and got an answer from a friend (but I forgot the answer). For the The Ancient World is Important part, I don’t think I fully agreed with this, because I sort of forgot a lot about the ancient world, but I knew it was a time of great accomplishments and stuff. To come to think of it, I don’t know why I didn’t agree with this in the first place, but it’s already on the paper I wrote to make this, so I guess I can’t change it or something. And for the final part that there should be a balance in normal life and religion, I agree with this because I am religious, but my entire life isn’t completely dedicated to it. Anyways, here are my reasons why I agreed with what I did, and what I didn’t agree with in the subject of Humanists.