“Wrong”, Baldessari 1967
In my opinion, context is essential in photography. It supports the viewer to understand the picture. As an example, the photograph “Wrong” taken by John Baldessari in 1967, the photo breaks numerous rules in photography. The viewers won’t believe that it was taken by a photographer who influenced countless photographers these days until they see the title “Wrong” and the context behind it. Just by the title “Wrong” we can infer that the photographer intended to take a photo breaking the photographic rules. I think in photography there is no right or wrong, just like John Baldessari it is also possible to take creative photos even after breaking the rules.
Works Cited
“Context – its about the title – Blog Post 1” ISB, https://dx.isb.cn/dash/#/classroom/648607/sections/lesson/344114/page/344116. Accessed 24 August 2024.