Mood Board + Vision


My vision for photographing the hutongs is to capture everyday scenes that highlight the blend of modern life with the ancient background in hutong. Through my photos, I want to emphasize the architectural beauties behind the ancient scenes of hutong, but also highlighting the distinct details and texture. While highlighting the ancient scenes, my style will still remain simple and clean, allowing each image to focus on the natural contrasts between old and new which is the key characteristic Hutong has.


  • Diversity of China
  • Blend of modern features in ancient background
  • Black and white
  • Silence in the busy


My 6 techniques used in Hutong will be:

  • Decisive moment
  • Work the scene
  • Don’t move
  • Capture gestures
  • Framing
  • Visual Elements (Black and white/shadow)

“08 Chicago” by Marie Laigneau

“41 Chicago” by Marie Laigneau

“Alone Together” by Sebastian D. Szyszka

“Alone Together” by Sebastian D. Szyska

“A boy and his dog” by Svilen Ranov 

“no title” by Svilen Ranov

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