
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Eva

Waves of waste

(video ends at 1.11)

From Utopia to Reality

The Cuban Revolution, which took place in 1959, was a significant event in Cuba’s history. Led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, it resulted in the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista’s government. This revolution brought about major changes in Cuba, moving the country towards socialism and away from U.S. influence. The nationalization of industries and land reforms were key outcomes of this revolution, shaping Cuba’s path for years to come.

Cuban Craft Video:

Wondering why Everyone one is Getting so Obese These Days?

Chew on This, Is a very mind-opening book written by Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson, that takes you behind the scenes of the fast food industry. Find out what really goes on at the small McDonald’s or KFC next to your school, and what’s really in that yummy wrapped burger.

A great central idea that really makes sense would be Fast Food Leads to Obesity. The authors brought up the obesity problem in our society multiple times. the amount of fast food that our society is eating is causing a large portion of the USA to be obese.

Another good central theme is that Fast Food can Lead to Death. In the book, I got to learn a lot about different cases of really young people dying because of the food they were eating

Here are some other examples that help support my claims



Thank you for reading my blog. I strongly encourage reading the book Chew on This, it is both interesting and shocking, this book could really change your idea on fast food, and see what really goes on in the fast food industry.

The photo on top was from canva

What is Humanism


I am probably 75% a humanist

“Bloody” Razor

The poem above was taken from page 4 of the short story called “Lather and Nothing Else” by Hernando Tellez. In this story, the main conflict is internal, in the story, the protagonist  (the barber) is deciding whether or not to kill Captain Torres. near the end of the story,  on (page 4) “From his trousers pocket he took some coins to pay for the shave. And he started toward the door”. this shows us that he paid for his trim and left the store alive, meaning that the barber didn’t kill Captain Torres.

Welcome to Your New Blog!

When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have the following:

  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

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