The Blog to the Infamous Borden Murders

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A true murder mystery, The Borden Murders by Sarah Miller, describes the story in detail of how a young girl allegedly is the cause of two brutal murders. Taking place in 1892 in Fall River, a city in Bristol Count, Massachusetts is when Lizzie Borden someone said to have a sensitive nature, who does not usually communicate with others but also said to be classy and raised in a wealthy family. But even with a life a lot would kill for it all went downhill when on August fourth, 1892, the most gruesome murders took place at the Bordens household. Andrew Borden, Lizzies father and Abby Borden, Andrews second wife and Lizzies stepmother were both butchered to death. Lizzie quickly became the first suspect and was soon put on trial but did she do it?

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Since we only just started the bookclub, everyone spent time reading the first couple pages in there book, and took notes. For me, this notebook page contains information and notes I’ve taken from pages 1 all the way to sixty. Pages 1 – 20 giving a brief to what happened to Lizzie Borden even years after the trail. Pages 21 – 35, teaching us more about Lizzie as a person, and pages 36 – 60 bring up how Lizzie seems to act wary and distrustful when questioned.


Day 3, todays big idea is; how can we track complex thinking? And who else in the Borden Murders is as complex as Lizzie? On this notebook page, the information mainly focuses on Lizzies relationship with her father and step-mother.
Which isn’t the best, mostly with her step-mother, Lizzie won’t even call her mother even after her death.

One class to prepare for the town hall, our group decided to go with the ‘should’ statement of: Lizzie Borden should be arrested. Our group of four, evenly split parts of what we will say, we checked who had what information and after we have assigned one part each, we went spent the rest of time in class to added anymore information that was needed. And for me, I mainly focused on what she wore to the funeral, something that’s thought to be disrespectful. And how she acted during her questioning.


Day 9, Cause & effect page,1 cause can lead to more then just one effect, and this is the same in the opposite way, with multiple causes leading to one effect.

Cause & Effect of Lizzie Borden being suspected, the town was buzzing, everyone thinking the same thing, what if the murder was still loose? Knowing of how the Borden couple passes in such a tragic way, when the top suspect for the murder, Lizzie Borden, was put on house arrest, page 65, the townsfolk felt more at ease. The reason is that the majority of the town certainly believe Lizzie is the one who butcher her parents. Which is one of the cause leading into the effect around Lizzie being suspected.

For this Notebook page, the focus was all on how Lizzie acted it, the information is parts of the the book were Lizzie was suspicious, such as how Lizzie acted towards the fact when she learned she was suspected. As well as how her alibi doesn’t make sense or fully match what others are saying.

Thank you for spending time to read my blog post, truly thankful, if you want any more information about the Borden Murders here is a Brainatica. If you wish to learn more about the author, Sarah Miller. 


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