¡Patria o muerte!

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Translation to words in the picture: Batista flees

Led by Fidel Castro, a group of rebels desire to overthrow Fulgencio Batista’s corrupt government.

“Something must be done to save humanity! A better world is possible!” – Fidel Castro 

Why did people want Batista gone? To know we have to go all the way back to 1952, three months before the elections, Batista, staged a coup and seized power. He canceled the elections and took control of the government, making himself the new provisional president. Giving people something to think of him, he’s known to be an unfair and violent person. Because he took control of the government he holds power over the civilians of Cuba. With the stunt he pulled in the elections the chance of him being a good leader is none, and behold the people of Cuba were experiencing social and racial inequality. They wanted a change, and thats when Fidel Castro, a young lawyer decided he wanted to make history. There were ups and downs in the battle, it was a long, time challenge but eventually the group of rebels now known as the M-26-7 had control of the government. It’s still not the end, as Castro said “It is just the beginning.” If you want to learn about the Cuban Revolution and Cubas relationships with the U.S and USSR in a funner, more detailed way check our group video below.

The Cuban Revolution In Plain English 

Group members: Isabelle, Emily