For the first part of this project, I was with a partner. I thought about some ideas I can produce. But before that, I thought of a problem that I had eating s’mores! I ate them before, but I had to touch them with my hands which did not get washed because we have nowhere to wash it (we were out in nature camping). So, I thought of this terrific idea of the “Clipper 5000”. This utensil is based on a clip for clothing. I slightly changed it, and it became suitable for an eating utensil. For the second utensil, I thought of another utensil to eat crabs.
Then around part 2, me and my partner split up because we did not/ feel comfortable working together which set me back a lot. I got some feedback from my classmates, some of them are helpful because they told me to label my models. But most of them are not helpful because they told me that they cannot read my cursive handwriting, or they were not specific enough. I took the specific advice and improved my product by labelling all the parts of it and including some more details of it in the next diagram I drew. Some of the advice and did well in part 3.
Strength: My Clipper 5000 clips things solidly and will make sure the food that gets clipped will not fall off.
Weakness: The “teeth” of the utensil might be hard to change, I designed this product so that you’re supposed to change the teeth of it when eating different things, but it might be hard to do so since the gap between the two pieces of wood is too narrow (harder to take the ‘teeth’ out). And the material for the clipper might be a little expensive (it is hard to craft out of).
Elevator Pitch: