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Custom App Design

I am making an app for a client. Below is my process journal for this experience. Follow along and see how I create it


Humanities 8-2 Johnson: Humanism – Am I a Humanist?

Humanism is is a type of life philosophy. In which humans are treated as singular objects that are free on their own. Humanism believes humans have responsibility shape their own lives, shape nature, and shape society the way they favor. It is a belief that appeared in the Renaissance Age. It emerged after 10 centuries of the Middle Ages, where science, art, and culture been intentionally neglected for 1000 years of time.

  1. All people should be educated (5/5):
    Renaissance humanism believed that everyone should be educated in literature, science and arts.
    My connection: I come from a family that believes in a good education. I believe too, a good education will give us a promising future with various knowledge;
  2. Realism (4/5):
    Thinking, acting and believing things based off facts and knowledge when something is realistic. Instead of relying on instinct and emotion, believing in something that is near impossible.

    My connection: I strongly agree with realism. Acting with knowledge, facts and reason. But I admit that sometimes I act on emotion, gut feeling, and instinct. Because I think human nature includes our natural reflexes to issues and situations. This is almost inevitable, but I think we can all be rather reasonable towards thinking and reacting towards situations;
  3. Confidence to shape nature and society (4/5):
    Humanists believed they were in control over nature and had the ability to shape our own societies. This might be a little of an overconfidence though, as people at the time still didn’t have the full ability to control nature and society.
    My connection: I think we should control our nature and society in an orderly manner, even in modern days. We should not be overconfident that we 100% can do control nature and society well mistake-free but, I think it is a common goal we should work toward;
  4. Individualism (1/5):
    Believing in the value of freedom/benefit of the individual over family/society. Or believing in the worth of the individual.
    My connection:  This is a special case for me as a humanist believer. Because I come from a rather traditional Chinese family/culture, I value the benefits of society or others over myself. I, myself value more in collectivism more than individualism;
  5. Secularism (5/5):
    Secularism believes that religion should be separated from states, societies, states and governments. They further think that religion should be removed or at least minimized (to the very least) and should have no connection with the ruling system whatsoever.

    My connection: I, as someone who doesn’t take belief in any religion, strongly believe in secularism. Maybe this is partially because I don’t know what it is like to be ruled under heavy religious governance. But as of now, I feel like religions better stay out of the governing system. For example, the Middle Ages did not go well with the catholic church ruling Europe.

In conclusion, I have an average score of 3.8 for favoring the Renaissance humanism. Therefore, I am a humanist! I think humanism not only exists in the renaissance age, it also lives with us in our modern age. Tightening itself with our flow of history, humanism has been with us for centuries already and has heavily impacted the growth of humanity in general. Humanism has affected our thoughts, art style, and much more. I am sure it will continue to make change for this world to become better and more thoughtful. As someone who believes in humanism. I now wonder why many people (on the internet and in our school) do not believe in this well- rounded philosophical theory. What can we do to further convince people to think the way we do, or do others have better reasons for not believing in humanism?


Humanities 8 – 2 Johnson Chiu – Found Poem – Yes Maam

“Yes Maam” by Langston Hughes 1958

The conflict in the story is both internal and external. Because in the story, the boy or protagonist of our story attempted to steal Mrs. Jones’ purse, but Mrs. Jones’ is not the antagonist she helped the protagonist learn a lesson afterwards.. Which is the external conflict, a person vs person type of conflict. For the internal conflict, the protagonist struggles with his desire for suede shoes, or a person vs society conflict.

I selected many words from the story. I chose words that described what happened throughout the story to make the reader better understand what is going on, even if they hadn’t read the story. I chose words that symbolizes the lesson in the story. For example I chose words like: “Ashamed, frightened, willow-wild, behave, mistrusted, and mistake.”

The 4 icons I chose for my graphic designs are: a purse, which I chose because that’s where the conflict started. A pair of suede shoes and a hand, indicating someone wants shoes. An outline of a thief, as robbery was the the lesson being taught to the protagonist in the story. And an lightbulb, which shows how the protagonist has understood at last and learnt his lesson.



Whole story + my original highlights:

All about Langston Hughes (author of “Yes Maam”):


Utensil Challenge G7 PD – 5

For the first part of this project, I was with a partner. I thought about some ideas I can produce. But before that, I thought of a problem that I had eating s’mores! I ate them before, but I had to touch them with my hands which did not get washed because we have nowhere to wash it (we were out in nature camping). So, I thought of this terrific idea of the “Clipper 5000”. This utensil is based on a clip for clothing. I slightly changed it, and it became suitable for an eating utensil. For the second utensil, I thought of another utensil to eat crabs. 

Then around part 2, me and my partner split up because we did not/ feel comfortable working together which set me back a lot. I got some feedback from my classmates, some of them are helpful because they told me to label my models. But most of them are not helpful because they told me that they cannot read my cursive handwriting, or they were not specific enough. I took the specific advice and improved my product by labelling all the parts of it and including some more details of it in the next diagram I drew. Some of the advice and did well in part 3.  

Strength: My Clipper 5000 clips things solidly and will make sure the food that gets clipped will not fall off. 

 Weakness: The “teeth” of the utensil might be hard to change, I designed this product so that you’re supposed to change the teeth of it when eating different things, but it might be hard to do so since the gap between the two pieces of wood is too narrow (harder to take the ‘teeth’ out). And the material for the clipper might be a little expensive (it is hard to craft out of). 

Elevator Pitch:

Elevator Pitch


My Cardboard Arcade Project (Design 6th Grade)

My Biggest Success in this project is definitely making it interesting so that the 4th graders that played liked it. They played it again and again trying to beat the high score, it was even more meaningful because the class who played our games was my class when I was 4th grade! Another success was doing good team work with Sean to build the project.

One of the biggest obstacle was setting the score for every cup. This is because if you make one of the cups very hard but gives too less points the kids who play will complain. You have to balance the points and the difficulty or it will cause big trouble.

Overall, I think this project is a success because a lot of 4th graders played it, enjoyed it, and half of them came back to play again. My partner Sean and I as the designers of this project enjoyed playing it too and of course making it because we really put our effort into it. I look forward to 7th grade product design where I will keep improving my design skills.