How To Money is a nonfiction book written by Jean Chatzky and Kathryn Tuggle. It’s about how to manage your life to maintain more wealth in your life. The story has no main character and its a how to style book on money and finance. It mentions a lot on how to make money younger and prepare yourself for the future. Good and bad habits and how to maintain your life for making more success.
Here are my notes collecting and summarizing the financial topics of this book together.
First: Central Idea Page, on this page I found the central Idea earlier and put together the subjects after finishing the book.

So about the central idea, I found the bits of subjects from the start of the book while reading and concluded a main idea, later I came back after reading more and put more evidence that I’ve found and linked them together to conclude a new main idea. This page exclaims my process. The main idea of how to money is “how to manage your life to maintain wealth”. The main topics I see throughout the book are about managing life habits for the future to make money.
In this page I explained the themes the author wanted to send to the reader.

The author usually mentions about how no matter your situation, no matter your place, you can work hard and make it “It doesn’t matter how ands where you start, google started in a dorm, amazon in a garage, apple by two college dropouts. Now they’re the biggest companies in the world”. The books theme is summarized in this quote from the book, it doesn’t matter where you start, you should manage your life to progress further.
In this page I created a CER off of the book talking on taxes and younger opportunities.

Taxes don’t effect the younger, also you can invest and make more money when you are younger. When you make money you also can make 100% of the money you make, unlike adults that have up to 12-37% taken out of their paychecks, also the expenses they have to pay.
Fourth and final:
In this page I re-read parts to find things I can connect.

I re-read and found more insight on allowance and how it was mentioned and used in the book, a part earlier in the book on how to set up allowance linked to another one on how to manage and make more of it. I re-read and found that these two pages from the start and middle linked together. Back then I didn’t understand what it did, but now I had more context after re-reading and understood it.
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