In the short story “Button, Button,” by Richard Matheson’s conflict is an internal conflict of Man vs Self. The character Norma struggles with an inner conflict between her desire for money and its moral influence on herself. The experiences of the protagonist Norma and her husband Arthur, a mysterious box that can be opened by pressing a button , they would receive a $50,000 bonus with the death of the ‘unknown’. A piece of evidence that proves her yearning for a wealthy life: “That I’d like for us to go to Europe. Like for us to have a cottage on the island. Like for us to have a nicer apartment, nicer furniture, nicer clothes, a car. Like for us to finally have a baby, for that matter.” Showing how eager of her to get that money. Another piece of evidence is when Norma reflects on the situation when she realized:”The point is,” Norma broke in, “if it’s someone you’ve never seen in your life and never will see, someone whose death you don’t even have to know about, you still wouldn’t push the button?” Arthur stared at her, appalled. “You mean you would?” “Fifty thousand dollars, Arthur.” This illustrates her strong desire for wealth over ethical concerns.
’to kill or not to kill‘
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