
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Kevin

Who was the Shackleton? How was his outstanding expedition to the Antarctic?!?

The title of the nonfiction, I read was ‘Lost in the Antarctic’ ,written by Tod Olson. The topic of this book is Shackleton’s extraordinary adventure to the Antarctic.

Summary: The main character, Shackleton, started his last expedition with 28 crews to accomplish his goal that is going to the southern pole in the Antarctic although he had failed for several times before. At the beginning he and his crew were very excited and expected to reach the southern pole. However, the more he went into the Antarctic, he faced many dangerous situations, such as lack of food and crush with glacier. Nevertheless, he always tried to behave as good leader :thinking positively and making others calm. Could he achieve his goal? Read the book to know that!

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Page 1 is descriptive passages that include a lot of adjectives. And find out what is the role of adjectives, and why did author use them. In addition, I also tried to think about theme or central idea from the adjectives.

In Page 2 I organized some important factors in the book with my thinking, and my opinion about author and world.

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Central idea 1: the Shackleton had good personality and intelligence. Quote, reasoning, connection between quotes, theme inspired from central idea.

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Connect social issues in the book with quotes and thinking although they are not related to the them.


The factors of humanism that i learned in humanities class

Art & HistoryArt & History

importance of knocking

The found poem that was from page 2 and 5 of My Side of Story that was written by Adam Bagdasarian. The conflicts that i chose are both external and internal conflicts. First, the internal conflict is the main character versus himself. He feels confused because the justice that he knows is different when he was bullied by his brother. Second, the external conflict is the main character versus his father. He and his father fought each other because he came to his mothers room without knocking. In the story, the protagonist is the narrator, and the antagonist is narrator’s father. The reason why these conflicts are important is because they show about the relationships between main character and father certainly and the conceptions of them. And lastly, I chose this background and images, because the mood of the story is very dark and the main character and his father fought against because of different opinions of justice.

Custom App Design Project

I’m making an app for a client. Below is my process journal for this experience. Follow along and see how I create it.

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Movie on 2024-4-25 at

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