
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Lena

It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime

    The memoir, “It’s Trevor Noah: born a crime,” shows a strong, heartfelt, moving relationship between Mother and Son. The main character, a clever, hard working, and hilarious boy, goes out of his way cause mischief and do what’s right. This amusing book will make you laugh and cry (possibly at the same time). Each chapter of this book shows meaningful little snippets of Trevor’s life, and shares little stories and memories that shaped the way Trevor thought and saw the world. Throughout this book, you’ll learn more about this famous comedian and how he came to be. It shows you that anyone can become anything.

Theme – Never doubt your mother’s love

Central Idea – Race

Trevor Noah’s mom’s perspective

Descriptive writing – mulberry tree


What is Humanism and how does it relate to me?

I think I pretty much would have been a big humanist if I lived in the renaissance. I gave about full points on the 5 key points of how much of a humanist I am. I agree with humanists in individualism, where everyone has worth and potential and anyone can pursue anything they want. Before in the feudal society, you would be stuck where you were born, no changing. If you were born a peasant, you stayed a peasant. I also agree with the amount of freedom that humanists pursued. They wanted everyone be able to have original ideas, not to be defined by your religion or government. As well as their idea of advancing modern society. They, instead of forgetting the past, used excellent old ideas for architecture and art. But not only that, they also built on them. I think as well that that was an amazing advancement for our society, to build on old and new ideas. Another key element of humanism that I agreed with was education. After the printing press was invented, books could be easily printed and shared. During the middle ages, books were expensive and had to be handwritten. Humanists believed [and I agree] that everyone deserves to be educated and learn about the main subjects. So, in the end, I am a big humanist and I believe they worked for a good cause.

My poster explains the key elements that I picked up from a couple of websites:



The External Conflict of Button Button

This found poem was created from the story: Button Button by Richard Matheson, the external conflict between Norma and her husband, Arthur. They conflict between whether or not to push the button and murder someone for $50,000. Norma believes that if some random guy they never knew were to die, and they got a profit from it, why not? “What is it’s some old Chinese peasant 10,000 miles away? Some diseased native in Congo? Fifty thousand dollars, a chance to take that trip to Europe, a chance to buy that cottage.” Yet Arthur feels differently, “what’s the difference whom you kill? It’s still murder.” And they have no right to decide who gets to die and who doesn’t. I used these words in my poem because it was the main source of their conflict. The cash on the background of my poster symbolizes the source of their conflict and why this had all happened in the first place. I also added a red background to show their anger and frustration towards each other.



Welcome to Your New Blog!

When you blog you create posts and posts are categorised according to your subject. Some categories have already been set up for you. If you need more categories you can add them as needed. It’s important that your posts have the following:

  • An engaging title – this should not include the name of the subject since this is referenced in the category.
  • Body – this is where you share your learning. This can include text, images, embedded videos from Dragons’ Tube or elsewhere. You should always consider how your post looks to your audience. Is it engaging? Do they want to keep reading?
  • Category – select one that has been set for you or add a new category. Posts can have more than one category e.g. Humanities and Myself as a Learner

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