Do you know who is responsible for you going to school and learning academics like science, math, and humanities? It is the humanist during the Renaissance, in the 14th to 15th century. Even though you probably aren’t pleased with humanists for this, at least you don’t go to Church everyday to learn about religion, as this was the actual society before the arrival of humanists.
Except that, humanists have made many more crucial actions which have changed our society in which we are familiar today. Some of these actions include the promotion of secularism and individualism, the readings of many classical books from Greek and Roman ages, spreading academic education across Europe, as well as asking different probing questions. These actions by the humanists still directly influence our lives today.
For example, as I stated before, if it weren’t humanists to promote basic education outside of the Catholic Church, I would still be going to Church every day to learn about religion and probably being illiterate ( as many people in the mediveal ages were). Not only, but the education humanists started was key to many other discovories and inventions later on in history. For example, every year, I travel to Europe to see my family members. By plane, this journey is less than 12 hours. However, if it weren’t for the humanists, planes would likely not be invented, meaning it would take me months or even years to travel with ships across Asia and Africa to get to Europe.
However, I don’t agree as much with other decisions that humanists thought were needed. For example, humanists thought that we should question everything. I don’t think that is needed, as nowadays, most facts which we learn or know have been prooved multiple times, making it unlikely to hear frauds like in 15th century, when people were scammed by the Donation of Constantine, when people didn’t realize that the donation’s latin didn’t match the latin used at that period of time. In fact, it took nearly 4 centuries for people to realize that they had been scammed. Now, with better governments and smarter people, it is nearly impossible for this to happen.
Still, I pretty much agree with most decisions introduced by humanists. After calculations, I am around 88% humanists, with the only 2 categories I didn’t fully agree on being individualism ( 4 points) and questioning everything ( 3 points).
The following is the link to my canva infographic I designed.