
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Author: Neo

Flowers in the Gutter

Flowers in the GutterĀ 

The book “Flowers in the Gutter” is a nonfiction novel written by K.R.Gaddy that tells a true story about a group of teenagers rebelling against the corrupt Nazi government.

My first page was about information and narrative. The goal of this page was to recognize if parts of the book were narrative or informational. In this page, I used strategies such as looking for supporting details, key vocabulary, hidden issues, themes, and more. I chose parts of the text that were informative or narrative using these strategies and included them on this page.

My second page that I chose was the town hall argument page. The goal of this page was to construct an controversial argument based off a central idea of our book. Our argument was: The law should not be followed if you want to be free, and I found many evidences and used reasoning to back up our argument. Some evidences included quotes, page numbers, and summaries.

My third page was about making connections in the book, the goal of this page was to analyze the development of ideas in my book by making connections between parts that may seem unrelated. I wrote down many central ideas, and linked evidences to the central ideas. I also linked different central ideas together to show that parts that may seem unrelated might have connections. Some central ideas were: poverty, lack of freedom, discrimination, corrupt government, forced vision, and war.

My fourth page focused on recognizing complex causes and effects, emphasizing how a single event or issue can lead to many others. The main cause and effect I explored was the war started by Hitler. I connected additional causes and effects to this central point, like poverty and debt and the Nazi’s cruel actions. Demonstrating how a corrupt government can impact its country and people.

This is my book club presentation, and thank you for reading.

Am I a Humanist?

Humanism by Neo Yu [STUDENT]

2 Sides of A Coin

Found Poem

My found poem was based off “My Side of the Story” by Adam Bagdasarian. The story had a external conflict between the main character (the antagonist) and their father (the protagonist.) My poem explains this concept by highlighting the important parts of the story. For example, the part where tape was stuck to the main characters head was shown in the poem at “He pulled a piece of scotch tape off my head.” The conflict between the main character and their father was also shown in “He pulled the whole wad off my head.” “NOW GET OUT OF HERE” also explained how father was very strict and unlike mom. My poem explains this concept by highlighting the important events and conflicts in the story, mainly the conflict, middle, and resolution.

My poem also used different fonts and pictures to show the conflict and theme. First, I used different fonts at different parts of the story to show different emotions and important events, for example “NOW GET OUT OF HERE” used a very bold and scary font to show the emotion of dad. “Father” and “Mother” also used different fonts to show contrast. I also used elements like tape to show the main theme of the story. The background text also shows more contrast between the poem and the background. I used these techniques to convey a clearer theme to the reader.

About The Author

Books and Reviews

App Design – Work in progress

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