A perspective map showing trevor’s perspective. This is affected by events throughout his life.
A summary of my view on the author’s purpose. This is supported by multiple evidence from the story.
A page on fantastic leads written by the author that I would like to use. This would be useful in future writing tasks.
Notes about power that shows shows sources of power. This would be useful since there is so much power in books.
It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime is a autobiography written by Trevor Noah, a comedian and author. The book mainly focuses on talking about the racism of Apartheid in South Africa.
Some central ideas and themes of the book are: Racism and Family Love.
We can see racism from multiple places, like how Trevor states multiple times that Apartheid, supported by the government, has power to relocate and put people into groups and those groups at different social places. An example of this is how Trevor’s parent’t marrige is considered illegal just because of their different races. So to prevent more of this kind of negative childhood, he advocates for Anti-Racism in this book.
We can see family love from his grandmother and mother, and even his father. His mother cared for him, we can see from the start that she threw him out of the car before herself, so that shows that she cares for Trevor more than herself. Then her grandmother, which they had a far relationship, but her grandmother always took him in the house, and argued with his mom on things she thought was better for Trevor. His father appears further in the book, he still remembered what food Trevor likes, and had every one of Trevor’s albums.