My Journey in 30 Words


A sequestered child at first,

 but brisk I’ve grown to be.

 Stalwart friend,

with ignorance still seen.

Family and football, are truly everything.

Easy to deduce,

 ascribed to my revel.


Sequester – I uses the term sequester instead of other terms like isolated, because I believe that in this case, it emphasises on how I isolated myself away from others at first.

Stalwart – I have chosen Stalwart due to how I believe that I am trustworthy towards my friends, and they are able to rely on my sometimes when needed.

Deduce – I think the word deduce is more direct, especially when it comes to being conclusive, in contrast to ‘easy to tell’.

(Revel – Revel meaning celebrating loudly and energetically, which helps me expand my idea about my love for football and my family)

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