The Winter War: A Novel reflection

First of all, what I learn while reading this book, which is called ‘The winter war: a novel” is the main character, named Marko is a brave kid. because in the first section of this book, he worked as a civil guard, and finally, Marko and his friend, Johan heard the sound of a Russian bomber’s engine so they ran to the village church to tell people there is a bomber in the sky, even though Marko’s leg was hurt. This section tells readers that this story is related to the war between Russia (Soviet Union) and Finland which is pretty much related to the title of the book, “The Winter War”. Furthermore, I can also weave this book title as a category/genre and it will be historical fiction. because this war really happened during WWII, the Soviet Union tried to capture Finland to win the war by telling them the purpose of protection. Lastly,  I don’t know who I like yet because it’s still too early in the book.

Design Studio Persona Poster (Portrait)

Before starting this blog post, I want to share some digital portraits that I found at Minjun’s blog,, and that inspired me on my portrait.

The reason why choose this picture as my favorite portrait was because it was a very simple portrait, however, it has a very detailed point such as tooth and shadows.
The second portrait was Brad Pitt Digital Portrait by David Alexander. This was very interesting that it is only an illustration, but it looks like a real photo. and I did not say these kinds of illustrations ever in my life, so It was a piece that I liked as soon as I saw it at once, and since then, I’ve been looking for his works from time to time. I want to draw it that way next time.

For the third one, this is my most favorite portrait. Unlike the two works above, I was surprised that this work used a lot of lines, but the thick lines gathered together and the feeling that it was a true illustration rather than a photo-like feeling attracted me to something. So I tried to do the same thing that this person did.

I used Adobe Illustrator when I drew my portrait. I used Adobe Illustrator because I want to use it before, but I don’t have any equipment to draw such as I pad, so I just gave up and used PhotoScape X to draw something very simple. But at this time, I have a chance to use Abode, so I chose this app. First of all, I started with a picture of myself as a base.

I used the pen, and start tracing out the outlines to make the shape of my face, tooth, long wrinkles, and glasses.  Then I traced my eye and eyebrow with lots of unstable lines to express the wrinkles of my eye. After than I used a pen that can fill the color inside the line, and start filling it out the two big things which were hair and the color of my skin. Lastly, it looks flat, so I put some thin shadows to make my face more clearly.

The first photo is the beginning stages of the tracing. The reason why the first picture seems almost finish is that it was my first time using Abode Illustrator, so I don’t know how to use layers until Mr. Griffin came and help me to fill out the skin color. And the second photo is after I put the color on my skin. Still, it was my first portrait, so it is not smooth enough that I imagine about it, but I’m happy with this that I had experienced how to make a portrait.

Design Persona Poster

My inspiration:

  • What is design?

I think the design is a plan or specification that expresses dreams or thinking (artworks) to the world and people.

  • What inspires me about design?

A food comic book that author travels many worlds and shows foods in the world. The food paintings in the book were so realistic, and it looked so delicious that I felt so nostalgic even though it was my first time seeing them.

  • What are my favorite design examples?

My favorite design is Violet Evergraden

  • Who are my favorite designers?

I love every designer’s characteristics of their designs, so it is too hard to choose.

Me as a designer:

  •  What’s my most memorable experience designing (or creating) something? Why?

My memorable designing was last year art class, ISB wall painting, that is at the front of art room, by paint sprayer last year. because it was new to paint with a spray, and it was fun to be able to make various patterns depending on the skill of spraying paint.

What would I like to get better at doing as a designer? (Eg drawing, presenting, digital design, fabrication, photo-editing, sharing, collaborating, etc)

drawing and digital design&editing. Because I really like character design.

  • What do already do pretty well? (Eg drawing, presenting, digital design, fabrication, photo-editing, sharing, collaborating, etc)

I can only do some photoshop, but it is sloppy because I studied a little by myself, and I only know how to draw and copy some pictures. Maybe because I look around a lot, I’m creating a lot of ideas. So I think I can help the team by making lots of ideas.