Michael's blog

Nov 06

B 9.


Interview the protagonist:


Don’t Turn Around      by Michelle Gagnon.


Me, “Hello Noa, I’m very happy to see you here since you experienced the harsh “run away” from the bad guys. Starting with run away, you in the book Don’t Turn Around when the man in black were chasing you, you were very hesitated if you should accept A6M0 help or not. At the end you trusts him. Why did you decided to trust A6M0?”

Noa, “Yes, when I was chased by the men in black, I was very unpromising and worried. At that time, I really have no choices left other than trusting A6M0, and at the end it turned out that he was a very good man.”

Me, “The AMRF experimented on you, regarding PEMA. And they gave you a second thymus to fight off diseases like PEMA. What were you’re feeling when you heard they did this experiment in your body?”

Noa, “I was surprising yet rest assured. Cause my brother have this disease PEMA, and I’m afraid if I will have this disease or not. After they AMRF finished experimented on me, I felt better. Even though I thinks about it for a long time.”

Me, “Over all you experienced a lot of conflicts. What do you think is the most complex conflict?”

Noa, “The most complex conflict was definitely the Wearhouse. I’ve bine capture into the Wearhouse for several times and it’s very complex when I have to fight back against Mr Mason. But if Zeke is here, the situation will be really bad.”



This Interview The Protagonist about the protagonist Noa in the book Don’t Turn Around by Michelle Gagnon.I choose to do this interview the protagonist is because the protagonist had a lot of changes over time, and I want to show how the character felt in the plot. The protagonist Noa and Peter are both very skillful network engineers. Noa are chased by bad guys for the whole book (person vs person conflict), and made a lot of decisions (person vs self conflict). On another hand Peter is fighting against Mr. Mason (person vs person conflict).


Question 1: (person vs self conflict) (person vs person conflict)

Question 2: (person vs self conflict)

Question 3: (person vs person conflict)

For more plots about the book click here.

For more information about the author click here.


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