Sally's Blog

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." -Albert Einstein

Independent Reading Reflection – Little Women

This novel was written in 1868, and it is still treated as the greatest classic novel written by a female author. The readers and critics commented that this novel vividly and truthfully reflects the life of a noble family. The setting of this novel is New England, during the civil war, and the father of four little women – Meg, Joe, Beth, and Amy – is serving as a soldier for Northern America. The life of four young women during the civil war is described and shown as a novel, and it minutely reflects the lives of nobles, poor people, and the middle class. The main characters are the four young women of March’s family – Meg, Joe, Beth, and Amy – and a boy living next door – Laurie. One thing that surprised me is that the author didn’t exaggerate or add a special story to March, but she truthfully reflects a daily life back then. I didn’t have anything I didn’t like in this novel, and I think this is the best novel ever because the author had used figurative dictions to show the thoughts, feelings, and setting. Also, I really liked how Joe is depicted as an independent woman, unlike other old-fashioned novels. In this novel, Joe is described as a brave young woman who is wishing to achieve her goals, and I found this very interesting because, before the 20th century, women were considered to not work or make their voice, but in this novel, the main character – Joe – is described as a progressive woman instead of dependent women waiting for her match.

I will definitely recommend this novel to other readers because I think this novel reflects the life of middle-class families during the civil war without exaggerating their lives or making fun of them. So, I think this is the best semi-historical and realistic fiction.

Reflection #3

I finished the novel Crazy Rish Asians. I really liked this novel because the characters’ conduct in the novel reflects the thoughts and characteristics of each character very well. Also, the author describes the scene and setting very well, this made me feel as if I am in the scene and sitting beside the characters. Connecting with my experience in China, I was able to enjoy the novel better because it had some Chinese words and cultures reflected in the family’s traditions.

Also, I finished reading the novel 1984. I liked the description of the setting and character, but I didn’t really like the dystopian future depicted in the novel.

My next text would be a poetry book because I liked how poets share their messages using different techniques.

Reflection #3

I have been reading “1984” since the beginning of the year, and I’ve finally finished. I did not really like the novel because shows the corruption and sadness of citizens. Also, this novel is based on an imagined world – a dystopian future – which is not my favorite. I prefer reading a realistic fiction novel or fiction rather than fantasy or sci-fi, but this novel had elements of both fantasy and sci-fi. So, I did not find it very interesting. However, I am still impressed by the imagery and diction used in the novel. I would recommend the novel to a person who enjoys reading fantasy or sci-fi.

Now I am reading a novel named “Crazy Rich Asians.” I have read the first six chapters and I really enjoy reading the new novel. It has vivid descriptions of the setting and characters using various diction and metaphors. I liked the hook of the novel because the author had described the wet carpet and humidity of raining day in New York, and that really pulled me into the novel. Also, author connects the Asian culture to the characters’ behaviors. This made the novel very interesting for me because as an Asian I was able to agree to the characters’ behaviours and thoughts.

1984 Reflection #2

I am still reading a book name 1984 by George Orwell. I wasn’t able to finish the book, and I am planning to finish it in this weekend. I was thinking to abondon the novel because I didn’t really like how it vividly shows the “dark side” of a society and dystopian world. As I was reading, I was frustrated by the party and how society works. I think a book is to amuse you, and we read to be happy, but as I read, I was frustrated and stuffy. Still, I decided to continue on this novel because as story proceeds, Winston met a girl, and their love story was very fun.

In my last reflection, I predicted that Winston would work with the old man and try to escape from the party’s control, but Winston didn’t work with the old man. Instead of working with the old man, he met a girl and they developed to romantic relationship. As they develop to romantic relationship, Winston was able to share what he thinks and listen what other people thinks. The girl feels the same way with Winston and they discuss about the party and society. This gives more contexts about the society and party to the reader. Also, it changed the atmosphere of the novel bit more positive, which is a main reason for me to continue to read this novel. I predict they will find more people who agree with them and try to harm the party or escape from it, because it seems like the girl knows lot more things than Winston and she is also willing to escape from the society.

I think the theme author wanted us to learn from this novel is to be engaged in society and make our voices.

1984 Reflection #1

I read a book named 1984 by George Orwell,  this book is a novel about a dystopian future. This book was written in 1949. The author had imagined a dystopian future where everything is controlled by a party. He wrote this book to raise people’s awareness of communism and dictatorship, which is similar to Animal Farm.

The protagonist of this book, Winston Smith, lives in London where everything is controlled by the party. I thought it is quite similar to how North Korea’s leader, Kim Jeongeun, is controlling over people’s beliefs and acts. In North Korea, Kim is limiting people’s acts and beliefs just like the party in the novel 1984.  So, I thought this the dystopian future described in this book is similar to today’s North Korea.

I predict that the protagonist of 1984 will try to find a way to escape from the party’s control just like the protagonist of the novel, Giver. I read about 1/3 of this book, and now the protagonist had met an old man that knows about life before the revolution, this is similar to Giver where the Jonas learns about the memories from the Giver, who is an old man. So, I think Winston will learn from the old man to escape from the party’s control and convince other people to help him.

This novel made me realize how dangerous the brainwashing and big brother system is. In order to prevent this, we should all vote.

Containment Plan for Spanish Flu

Spanish Flu is a disease that first appeared after World War 1 (1918). The exact origin of Spanish Flu is still not clear. It seems to be originated from the U.S.  It was the most massive epidemic of the twentieth century, 50 million people died worldwide, and the estimated number of cases is 500 million. Symptoms of Spanish Flu are: becoming lethargic, having fever, and the body was aching.  Spanish Flu lasted from 1918 to 1920, governments used similar techniques with the one they are now using for COVID19 to flatten the curve. The virus spread through the spit, so the usage of masks was essential to flatten the curve.

Spanish Flu

Food Chem 2


Sweet Potato 3 

Sugar 200g 

Oil 2 tablespoon 


  1. Wash the sweet potato. 
  2. Take the peel off from the sweet potato.
  3. Fry the sweet potato on the frying pan with oil on it.
  4. Leave the sweet potato on a bowl and wait for the sweet potato to cool. 
  5. Caramelize the sugar, you could use an oven or the frying pan. 
  6. Pour the sugar on top of the sweet potato.  



Sweet Potato 3 

Sugar 100g 

Oil 2 tablespoon 

Paprika 2 

Pineapple 1/5 

Bean Powder 5 tablespoon 


  1. Wash the sweet potatopaprika, and pineapple. 
  2. Take the peel off from the sweet potato. 
  3. Fry the sweet potato and paprika on the frying pan with oil on it. 
  4. Leave the sweet potato and paprika on a bowl and wait for them to cool. 
  5. Caramelize the sugar with bean powder, you could use an oven or the frying pan. 
  6. Pour the sauce on top of the sweet potato.  


Design brief had required me to reduce the amount of sugar for the ones with diabetes, and to add more various ingredients with different types of nutrients in it. To reduce the amount of sugar and add protein, I’ve used black bean powder which contains protein and it is quite sweet. So, I’ve used the black bean powder to meet the design brief. Also, I’ve added pineapples and paprikas to add colors to the dish. In the hotel, vegetables and the sauce would be delivered separately so that the customers could choose to dip or pour it over the veggies. The difference between the first recipe and the second one was that the amount of sugar was reduced, and more vegetables were added to the second version. Similarities of two recipes are that the main ingredient is sweet potato, and the chemical changes that occurred in the recipe didn’t change at all. The only thing that changed are the ingredients. To improve my second recipe, I want to reduce the amount of sugar by adding more healthier ingredient that is sweet such as honey, so that the ones with diabetes could eat them too.


Food Chem


Sweet Potato 3 

Sugar 200g 

Oil 2 tablespoon 


  1. Wash the sweet potato. 
  1. Take the peel off from the sweet potato. 
  1. Fry the sweet potato on the frying pan with oil on it. 
  1. Leave the sweet potato on a bowl and wait for the sweet potato to cool. 
  1. Caramelize the sugar, you could use an oven or the frying pan. 
  1. Pour the sugar on top of the sweet potato.  



Sweet Potato 3 

Sugar 100g 

Oil 2 tablespoon 

Paprika 2 

Pineapple 1/5 

Bean Powder 5 tablespoon 


  1. Wash the sweet potatopaprika, and pineapple. 
  1. Take the peel off from the sweet potato. 
  1. Fry the sweet potato and paprika on the frying pan with oil on it. 
  1. Leave the sweet potato and paprika on a bowl and wait for them to cool. 
  1. Caramelize the sugar with bean powder, you could use an oven or the frying pan. 
  1. Pour the sauce on top of the sweet potato.  


Design brief had required me to reduce the amount of sugar for the ones with diabetes, and to add more various ingredients with different types of nutrients in it. To reduce the amount of sugar and add protein, I’ve used black bean powder which contains protein and it is quite sweet. So, I’ve used the black bean powder to meet the design brief. Also, I’ve added pineapples and paprikas to add colors to the dish. In the hotel, vegetables and the sauce would be delivered separately so that the customers could choose to dip or pour it over the vegies.  


Artist Statement

My artwork is called ‘Snack Time’. It is made of clay. One unique detail about it is that I added some decorations on the lid. I wasn’t really inspired by anything, but I just got the idea from a photo of a dog bone thing. The purpose of this jar is to keep the dog’s snacks, and I thought of bony snack, so I added a sculpture that looks like a bone. I made this jar because I want to give a gift to someone I really love, so I made this artwork. I decided to make this because my aunt raises 3 dogs, and I thought it would be nice if I can give her something practical and what she can actually use it. So, I decided to make this jar. My final artwork is pretty close to what I thought, and I met my goals. So, I am very proud of my artwork. It turned out really well, and I really like the color too. I wanted it to look like grass, and the color turned out really well. So, I really like my artwork.

Driving Question

Some interesting things I learned about are that the type of industries in the countries can affect the GDP, and also that the location of the capital and the countries can affect the type of industries and the GDP of the country. For example, our territory was Scotland, and our main industry was mining, Scottish whisky, and agricultural industries. Some products had to pay for a lot of tariff when exporting the product, but some products were able to free trade. 


Completing this project I learned that trade war and the tariff can actually affect me in real life. For example, if I were living in U.S., I won’t be able to get products from Huawei, since the trade war between U.S. and China disabled Huawei to export their product to U.S.. Before this project I used to think that the tariffs and trade war doesn’t really affects me, now I think that the trade war and the tariffs can affect me since the price of a product could change because of the tariff or even not able to get it in a country. The driving question impacts us because we used imported products from other countries, but if the relationship between countries get worse or if there is a trade war between the two countries, the price of the products rise or even we aren’t able to get the product.


Looking back on this project, I realize that trade war and tariffs are really important in our life, and sometimes it is necessary to protect the citizens. For example, if Chinese government imports potatoes from Scotland without any tariff, Chinese farmers could lose their job since the potatoes from Scotland is much more cheaper than the potatoes from China. However, a big question I still have is if there are any ways to protect the citizens from job loss but still providing the consumers cheap priced but better quality products.

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