
"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious" - Albert Einstein

Lamp Design-Bloom

Refection of process

Overall this was a very enjoyable process as I got to do many things I have not done before. the lamp design was also a fun thing to focus on as I have never thought about designing something so simple could be so interesting. One of the main skills I improved on during this process was orthogonal drawings as my first drawings were very messy as well as not measured up to be the same size.  I know that I have improved in this field because my orthogonal drawings I did later turned out to be a lot cleaner as well as measured up.  Skills I learned were mostly mention below in the vector drawing evidence of improvement part of this post but it included grouping lines together, the order that these drawings where placed  to determine what is in front and last but not least and what I consider the most important is changing the format to become a svg with no background. I also learned new drawing warmups like drawing circles in a spiral as well as drawing circular things in a 3d way. Something I would do differently would be maybe to focus more on making the flower look less like a flower as I did not spend as enough time on that part as I should have, If I get another chance I hope to change that. Another thing I regret was missing a couple of classes, that did slow me down in this process and I did lose some time to brains storm with Ideas> Overall I think that this process was fun and enjoyable and that if I get another chance to this  I owuld try even harder


Reflection of product

Overall I do think that  my achieved its purpose and that its capable of being a lamp that can have other plants growing in it as well as it being a lamp and providing light. This does make it so people who enjoy gardening have a lamp to use while gardening dor example: this lamp would be perfect for someone with little space and no light as this is a two in one and complete this persons hobby which is gardening while proving light and saving space.




Examples of Skill Development



This Vector took me hours to make mostly because my original orthogonal drawing was bad, once I sued the second drawing it became much easier. I learned how to make groups with the drawings and it was super helpful because I had a lot of lines that needed to be organized. The second part that took a long time was trying to get the vinyl look on the stem which I think managed to get to look pretty well. But I think the most important thing in this vector that I learned was that there is a order of back and front even in groups that made it look better.

Orthogonal Drawing 2

The second time I did this I focused more on keeping the measurements right as well it being more detailed. I think this turned out great and it helped a lot with vectors

Orthogonal Drawing

In this orthogonal drawing of my lamp design, as you can see there is a front side and top. I think that the front and side I did relatively well but the top is not the same width as the others which makes this orthogonal drawing worse.

Evidence of feedback

One of my classmates when I showed them my vector said that the stem and the flower did not look like they were from the same lamp, to try and fix this I tried adjusting the width, height, color, and points where it connected with flower. While doing this I found out that where everything connected really mattered and changing it to the right place made the stem connect with flower a lot smoother. The final stem was also more thick and tall then my original stem and it did look better. I could not find the right green so I instead decided to change the petals which i chose Pink for and it matched with the stem well.

Mr. Griffin also said that i should try to innovated new ideas into my lamp once when we were peer reviewing. This gave me the idea to add  material to my stem this I think helped a lot with creating something more unique then what I had before. But I do feel like I could have spent more time trying to innovate new ideas about a flower lamp.

Choosing my Design

I chose the flower modeled lamp over the crystal modeled lamp is because I could have more creativity with the flower lamps, although its very common, I think thats its customizability makes it the better choice over the crystal lamp.


Made with Padlet
Design need

Later on however I changed this hobbies being  greenery and flowering

Precious Plastics Eyeglasses Process

Glasses Padlet

Rough Sketch and Mind Map

Rough Sketch

Mind Map

3 Diffrent Concepts

Aurora Borealis



Feedback and Reflection to Feedback


Some trends I noticed was that most people liked the colors I incorporated into design one and design 2. I was really surprised that people said my design was really detailed because I don’t think it is but that’s just personal bias. Someone said that the colors would make life harder for design number 1 but I feel like the whole reason for tints is for shades that block the sun, but that also may be my problem because I did not mention that design number 1 were shades and I should do that next time. There was also somebody who said they like how I used nature and turned them into elements I used in the glasses and I agree with that because I really like how nature would look like if incorporated with real life.

Laser cutting and glasses




This new adaption helps my product a lot. Aesthetically i feel like I solved the problem of it being just white making it look more appealing it also customizable giving more people freedom to do what they want with the charger and color it to there own tastes. It also solves the problem of long lasting as using the flexible PVC to make the outer layer of the cable more long lasting allowing users to use the charger more freely and for a longer amount of time as well.  Adding another insulation layer can help it be more usable as it will be safer to use and make it more appealing to all consumers. The next time I do this though I hope to focus more on the principle of it being more eco-friendly. I also hope that the next time I do this I will manage my time better as I did not do that very well throughout this process.

Presentation Poster

Orthogonal drawing and Isometric Drawings

Mind Map and Sketch

Mind Map


Bad designs

While looking online I found many bad designs but I have made my top three of bad designs. Coming in third is the toothpaste, and the first reason for this is because it did not achieve the ninth principal of being environmentally  friendly and I think thats one of the main principals we need to focus on in the present day as more and more plastic is being used. It also achieves the second principal but not to the extent where I think it passes. Whenever we are almost done with toothpaste and use all the strength in our body to get the last bit of it out it does not come out, and I just feel like that could be improved. Coming in second was Disneys bomb shaped sodas. I do not think that this product would have benefited us in anyway, it does not bring something new to the table and to me it just seems like you will get less soda from this bob shaped containers, it also is not too eco friendly as well. My number one bad design is The MacBook charger, this is because a good design should be able to last a long time and can be continuously used but the MacBook charger after one year of use if kept well already has tears in its cables and that when you keep it well, if not then wall wire could be exposed in half a year. Its also not very atheistically pleasing, as it is very bulky and just white.

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