Alex ^_^ :O :P

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein

Category: Engineering

Engineering Project R&S

Since some sewing techniques are new to us, we learned them online (on the following website: On our design, we used a circuit playground and three battery holders. For the circuit playground part, we need first to sew one hole (e.g., A3) with conductive tape. After that, sew one hole with the positive side of the LED (e.g., A5), sew the ground with the negative side of the LED. One circuit playground can hold at most 3 LEDs. 

Engineering Project C&I

During the making of the project, we realized that it would be too complicated to make conductive clothing, so instead, we changed to using a felt. We did not do the conductive clothing because it was extremely hard to sew on, the thread would easily fall off, and it is hard to see the inside part of the shirt. Therefore, we designed a piece of felt to look like Kobe’s basketball jersey so it could have a design, and we sewed on the conductive thread and made sure everything lit up. 

Engineering Project Develop & Plan

Develop & Plan

I decided to go with the circuit idea because it was the most practical and useful.

The materials I will need are

  • Conductive thread
  • Conductive fabric
  • LED lights
  • Fabric
  • Conductive tape
  • A battery holder
  • Battery
  • Needle
  • Circuit Playground



Lesson 1: Gather the materials and start making the base

Lesson 2: Finish the part of the fabric and if there is time left start sewing on the components

Lesson 3: Keep sewing

Lesson 4: Keep sewing

Lesson 5: Finish the product and make any quick changes

Engineering Project Define & Inquire

Engineering Project


Define and Inquire: In this engineering project we are required to design something that shows energy transfer. Energy transfer is the conversion of one form of energy into another, or the movement of energy from one place to another. In this task we must create a toy that converts energy or take a renewable energy source and convert it to electrical energy, or design and create a device that transfers energy, or design and make a device that can be used to learn physics. The product should function and should be aesthetically appealing, it needs to have a purpose and a client, it should be original, should consider environmental impact, and it should be durable and safe for the user.


My ideas: One of my ideas is making a toy that has a circuit on it, there would be fabric with drawings and designs on it and the circuit on it can light the lights on it and make it more interactive.

Pros: ISB has all the materials, it demonstrates energy transfer

Cons: It is highly sophisticated and needs prior knowledge to make

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