HIIIII this is supposed to be fun. Sooooo I hope I don’t have to write formally and check for grammar errors and stuff like that. I picked this option because I like writing things down and typing things. First off, main thing I learned in English 9 is plan out what you are going to write first before you start! I’m proud of my improvement in reading because it is the skill that improved the most out of reading, writing, and presenting. I still need to work on reading skills and presenting skills though (both are not that good yet but I will continue to work on them) A goal that I have for next year is to improve my general reading skills and my organization in writing. A tip I would give to the upcoming 9th grade students is…. DON’T PROCRASTINATEEEEE!!! Especially not in writing because you will realize you have no time to write multiple drafts and revise :))))

BYE! I had a great year in this class! Thank you all my classmates (for giving useful feedback)
Thank you Ms. Wong you were one of my favorite teachers! (I hope you will still coach volleyball next year)