CER paragraph


Claim: I don’ think the boxers deserved a bad reputation, because that is yuanshi kai fault.

Evidence: like what Mr. Jenne said to us during the trip, it was yuanshi kai who forced the boxers out of shan dong, which is an incredibly stupid idea. This move caused a lot of trouble with the boxers and leads to the northern Indian army killing innocent people because they simply just look like villagers. I also think that it is our right to defend our right against foreigners coming into our peaceful home country, having a bunch of weirdos just stumbling into your country would make everyone think that this is not nice. The boxers may have been acting a bit harsh on the others coming into country, but having a defense being put on is better than nothing. Thirdly, since there where a lot of Christian missionaries, and the Chinese believed in monk-lism and some believed in the kind and 天子( son of the sun). But since Christian beliefs are spreading through china. The boxers are just guarding their religion of respect to the tian zi.

Reasoning: I believe that having the rights of protecting your own religion / belief.  Everyone has their own belief and I believe that this is an incredibly right idea to do.