
'Life is full of happiness and tears; be strong and have faith.'- Kareena Kapoor Khan

Category: 8-8humanities

Very Interesting Journal of the Cuba revolution

character intro

: My character john is a man in his 60’s, he fought before on the fields for Batista. after his first war, he realized how brutal it was, killing innocents and sabotaging countries. 5 years later he would join Fidel Castro on a adventure to free the people of Cuba.


  1. Batista escaped Cuba to go to the Dominican Republic
  2. Farmers in Cuba got their land back from the land lords
  3. Fidel Castro break ups with the United states


  1. US will always benefit from Cuba
  2. Sugar is still the main income of Cuba


Very interesting blog post about the The 57 Bus (LEGIT)

The 57 Bus

The 57 Bus, Dashka Slater, the 57 bus is a new book that it written in 2017, which is a new book, I am really surprised by the popularness of the book. It can only show that the author is a fantastic writer. She is just like the writer of my favorite book Educated, Tara Westover, both of them is smart at writing and can grab you with facts. The facts pop out of nowhere, making it interesting and surprising

The book is all about being really sexist towards people with different sex and people get made fun simply because they have a different sex.

Evidence:  on page 126-127, you can see from the book that they thought it would be funny to light up Sasha’s skirt, they do that because they simply think it is weird for a man to wear a skirt.

On page 158, I would like to quote the words of “a man wearing a kilt like garment was set on fire…” you can see from this passage that they did not use anything like a-sexual or bisexual. They used the word man to describe Sasha, which is really sexist.

On page 57, Sasha asked they mom that if there is a bathroom for a-sexual people, or people with other genders, but they mom actually got angry and told Sasha to stop this Bladder and just be flexible.

People only stopped making fun of Sasha because she got famous and burnt, people use to look at her with weird eyes and they don’t act but just silently judge. Everyone loves fame, not saying his friends but the others, No H8 and everything just like that. She would just grow up in a silence world if she wasn’t burnt up

one thing that I learnt from the non-fictional unit is that non-fiction books may seem boring, but when read into them, they are really interesting, facts hit you just like how the imaginary in the fiction books hit you

huamanites boxer rebellion CER



CER paragraph


Claim: I don’ think the boxers deserved a bad reputation, because that is yuanshi kai fault.

Evidence: like what Mr. Jenne said to us during the trip, it was yuanshi kai who forced the boxers out of shan dong, which is an incredibly stupid idea. This move caused a lot of trouble with the boxers and leads to the northern Indian army killing innocent people because they simply just look like villagers. I also think that it is our right to defend our right against foreigners coming into our peaceful home country, having a bunch of weirdos just stumbling into your country would make everyone think that this is not nice. The boxers may have been acting a bit harsh on the others coming into country, but having a defense being put on is better than nothing. Thirdly, since there where a lot of Christian missionaries, and the Chinese believed in monk-lism and some believed in the kind and 天子( son of the sun). But since Christian beliefs are spreading through china. The boxers are just guarding their religion of respect to the tian zi.

Reasoning: I believe that having the rights of protecting your own religion / belief.  Everyone has their own belief and I believe that this is an incredibly right idea to do.

Bruce renaissance magazine



Humanist final task



Orange Photo Lean Manufacturing Infographic

Awesome Humanities renaissance infographic


Renaissance Philosophy


My best found poem

found poem


This is my found poem I have created for humanities, based on the short story fish cheeks , in this poem, I will show the main characters internal conflict.

The conflict in my story” Fish Cheeks “, the main internal conflict is the main Character Amy is having a character versus self conflict and struggles between her identities of Chinese and trying to be popular. All she cares about is to show Robert the good side of herself, she is extremely embarrassed from what her family did at there x-mas lunch. For example, her dad burped out loud and which really embarrassed Amy




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