Materials & Tools:
Energy storage battery
The wires
Lamp folding rod
The light bulb
Hard plastic
Schedule for making:
Before making:
Design the structure of the lamp.
February 23rd:
- Get all the materials
- Learn how to make the lamp
- Start to make the first part of the lamp(The wire connection)
February 25rd:
- Finish the wire connection
- Make the outside part
- Group them.
Success Criteria:
- High safety, no leakage, external heat.
- Solar energy can successfully store energy in batteries.
- Can provide the role of energy saving for the audience.
Final product with light on
Glueying the anti-slip sticker with super glue
Unfold form
Final product
Solar panel testing video, as you can see when I cover the solar panel the light will be smaller and when I uncover with it the light became stronger
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