
At the start of the episode, Es commented that her practice over the years has been to follow the path of inquiry and then find collaborators who are willing to share their paths with her. What does this mean to you?

I think this means that you have the recognization of others so you can develop more ideas with them. This means that she is constantly improving herself with others and working with more and more people. By doing this, you set more goals along the way. For me, it means to get creative ideas from anything and applying it on the stage


During the episode, Es stated 5 ingredients of stage design. (and perhaps photography). What are the ingredients?

Ingredient 1: Space

Ingredient 2: Light

Ingredient 3: Darkness

Ingredient 4: Scale

Ingredient 5: Time

Pick ONE ingredient and describe or explain what it means according to Es.

For light, she used the example of the colored windows that an artist, designed for over ten years. The light peered through the colors into the building and that made it look very cool. But, from looking from the outside, the windows were just black which I thought was really cool.


For the “Watch The Throne” tour featuring Kanye West and Jay-Z, Es questioned what the word Throne meant to the artists. For them, Throne was being on top and then having to fight to stay on top — in other words, the Throne meant the tension between power and vulnerability. Can you describe how she created a design that communicated the ‘tension between power and vulnerability”?

In Kanye and Jay-Z’s tour, their throne on stage was tall in height which meant that they were very powerful. But at the same time, because they were very high above others, they were vulnerable to falling off. This design created a tension between power and vulnerability which means if you have power, you can lose it easily as well. Kanye and Jay-Z were examples of people who had a lot of power but were vulnerable to entertainment and could fall at any moment which caused the tension between power and vulnerability.