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Science Energy Transfer Reflect and Share

Show your final product through photos and/or video

A video of the product


Explain how it works/doesn’t work using scientific terminology

The mechanical key switch works because when kinetic energy is applied to the switch, the spring will trigger the key to move downwards, resulting in a clicking noise being heard. When the button is released, the potential energy stored in the spring will cause the keycap to move upwards.


Explain the areas you were successful in the product/process

Some areas where I was successful were in the development and plan stage. In this section of the project, I feel like I did an excellent job planning how I would build the switch. For instance, I drew several switch versions, and I added the dimensions that helped me construct the model infusion 360. However, some areas I did not do great were in the define and inquired stage. I could have improved my work quality and investigated more products that show energy transfer.


Explain the areas you need to improve in the product/process

Some improvements I can make for my product is to have a more complex structure for my stem. My stem is relatively simple and does not have a metal plate that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy. If I added the metal plate into the key switch, it would be a fully operational one that can input letters into a computer. However, Since I only had two weeks to create the key switch, I feel like my key switch is still great even without a the plate. Another adjustment I could make for my project is to create all of the parts using wood. Using wood will make the key switch more environmentally friendly and visually appealing. However, since I have zero experience using adobe illustrator and a laser cutter, using fusion 360 and 3d printing, my project would be easy and less time-consuming.


Explain the impact of this project on the environment and potential client/consumer.

Lastly, my product has a huge impact on the environment because it uses plastic filament for all the parts. The plastic used is not degradable, meaning that the plastic will never disappear. Although it has a huge impact on the environment, the mechanical key switch is extremely easy to convenient to create from a manufacturing standpoint. Since manufacturing this on a large scale does not require a part-to-part assembly, my product would be very lucrative because it is cheap to create and easy to build.



Overall, after looking at the success criteria set up at the beginning of the project, I believe that I succeeded because the mechanical key switch is a convenient and replayable toy. Furthermore, this toy teaches people about energy transfer because of the simplicity of the switch. However, one criterion I did not meet was making my product environmentally friendly which is a downside to my mechanical key switch. Some common misconceptions others had about my project were that it was “easy” and not as challenging as creating circuits. These people don’t understand that I spent a long time outside of school learning and using Fusion360 to make my parts for the key switch. More importantly, I had to go through multiple trial and error phases to achieve the final product I am satisfied with.  All in all, this project was successful because I feel like my 3d modeling skills have  developed and I learned something new.

The Three Body Problem Reflection

I am currently reading a science fiction novel called “the three-body problem” written by Liu CiXin.This masterpiece talks about the downfall of humanity and how the trisolarans, a group of aliens who live in a trisolar solar system, will wipe out the human race. This book is recommended for people interested in physics and dystopian-themed novels because there are a lot of dark and unsettling parts. Furthermore, lots of theoretical science and insane scientific ideas are introduced in this book. My overall impression of this novel is unique and intriguing to read. As a student who dislikes reading, this book did a great job hooking me and engaging me because of the incredible story arc. The story is entirely different from other science fiction because it offers sudden shifts in mood and plot, which could be the author attempting to convey a message. In this book, the author also uses an enormous amount of imagery, metaphors, and symbolism to suggest that humanity struggles for independence against an advanced alien race. For instance, the symbol of the aliens represents the outer limit of the scientific endeavor for humankind.

Science Energy Transfer Create and Improve

After designing the switch, I decided to start 3d modeling with Fusion 360. To begin with, I first split the build into four pieces: the cube, upper housing, stem, and lower housing. I couldn’t combine them all in 1 part, so I created them separately. As I started building the cube, I decided to use the “fillet” feature to make the edges of the square smooth, and I used the function “shell” to create a hole in the middle. The first version of the cube looked like this.

Image from Fusion 360

3d printed


Since this was the first time 3d modeling, I struggled with the dimensions and the lower housing wouldn’t fit into the box. I ended up reprinting the cube and it was a success.

The Final Build

Next, after completing the cube, the part I had to build was the upper housing. The upper housing is essentially the “cap” of the switch. When I made the upper housing with Fusion 360, I failed multiple times because of the dimensions. Sometimes, the stem couldn’t go through the upper housing, or the steam would be stuck in the upper housing. I made sure that the hole the branch would go through would be significant to fix this. I ended up creating five prototypes of the upper housing.

How it looks on Fusion 360


The 5 upper housings I have built


After constructing the upper housing and cube, the next step is to create the stem. The stem is the most challenging part because it connects the upper and lower housing. Without a successful branch, the key switch will be unable to move vertically. I ended up creating four stems. In total, only 1 of them worked. This was because most of the failed stems had incorrect dimensions, which made me unable to put the spring inside the hole. In the end, I overcame this issue by being extremely precise with the measurements, and it worked.

The Stem

The stem (close up)


The last step to the mechanical key switch was the lower housing. The lower housing is essentially the “pants” of the switch. Unlike the stem or any other part, this was relatively easy to build because it did not require detailed measurements. MY first step in designing the lower housing was drawing it on paper recording all the dimensions. The next step was using the sketch tool infusion 360 to extrude the shape of the lower housing. After some trial and error added with some guidance from the TA, I successfully created the lower housing.


A Fusion Model of the Lower Housing


How the stems look

After creating all the necessary components for the switch, I needed to find a spring for my key switch. Initially, I had no idea what type of springs I should use. I consulted my friend Chris, who knew a lot about keyboards. He suggested that I should use springs that are not wider than 4mm because it would make it difficult to apply force into the switch. Furthermore, he advised me that the spring should have a 45g-90g actuation point. Anything higher than that will make it difficult to press the button. After consulting Chris, I tried finding the springs he suggested I should get. After a day of searching, I was unable to find any compatable springs because all the springs in the fab lab were wider than 4mm and had a higher actuation point than the recommended 45g-90g. I ended up using a keyboard spring that Chris gave me, and it was a 4mm spring with an actuation point of 60g.

The incompatable spring that I found in the fab lab

The keyboard spring Chris gave me


Once all the components were created, I stacked them and assembled them according to the blueprint I drew earlier. I used some superglue to connect the lower housing to the upper housing. In the end, the project looked a little bit like this.


A sound sample of the switch.



Science and Engineering Develop and Plan

What am I going to build for my project? 

In the grade 9 engineering project, I have decided to create a stress reliever toy that involves gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. This stress reliever toy has a cube and a mechanical key switch. The cube will be hollow inside and can fit the automatic control. I will not be using prebuilt switches and keycaps to increase complexity and will attempt to create them myself. The first step to creating the button was to research the key controls. I looked at the Cherry MX switches and integrated some design elements to ensure that my design would be more viable using a 3D printer. After drawing all the blueprints for the key switch, I drew them all on paper and included the dimensions. It has the same layout as the Cherry MX switches but contains a difference in size. The designs drawn are here below.

The structure of a switch

A basic Layout of a Cherry MX switch



The blueprints of the design





Some possible materials being used are plastic filament and a metal spring. Since I will be 3d printing almost all of the components, I will need to learn how to use fusion 360.

For extra clarification of the blueprints, Please watch this video.

Science energy transfer Define and Inquire


In this science project, our objective is to create an object that can show signs of energy transfer. The finished product should reflect our knowledge about energy transfer and be environmentally friendly. In this define and inquire document. I will be investigating successful presidents that demonstrate energy transfer to conclude what I should be creating. 


Success Criteria 

Firstly, to create a product that can show energy transfer, a success criterion is needed to ensure the quality of my final product. The requirements should be straightforward.  


-The product should be convenient to play/use.  

-The product should be environmentally friendly  

-The product should show energy transfer 


Energy transferring products. (A key switch)  

A product that shows signs of energy transfer is a mechanical key switch. It is a fitting example of potential and kinetic energy. Firstly, the gravitational potential energy is static. When the user applies kinetic energy to the switch, the spring will trigger the key to move downwards, resulting in a clicking noise being heard. When the button is released, the kinetic energy stored in the spring will cause the keycap to move upwards. To make this product more viable, we could make it very portable to carry it around and use it as a fidget toy. 


Picture of mechanical key switches 

More Pictures



Energy transferring products. (Fidget spinner) 

A second product that shows signs of energy transfer is a fidget spinner. A fidget spinner is used to relieve stress and procrastination. The spinner could help people focus and is used as a toy. This design fits our success criteria because it is a convenient toy, and it could be environmentally friendly with some modifications. The fidget spinner shows the energy transfer from kinetic energy to heat and friction.  

To begin with, the kinetic energy is applied to the fidget spinner as the user spins the spinner. Next, the kinetic energy slowly transfers to heat and friction because the bearing is rubbed on. As time moves on, kinetic energy will share most of its energy to friction and heat, resulting in a decrease in speed. Eventually, there will be no more kinetic energy, and the spinner will stop spinning. To meet both of our success criteria, we can make the product more environmentally friendly by using plastic residues to create the entire body of the fidget spinner. Furthermore, instead of using standard bearings, we can create a wooden bearing using fusion 360 to make our product more environmentally friendly. 


Fidget Spinner (Plastic) 


Energy transferring products. (Toy car) 

A third product that can show energy transfer is a toy car. The toy car is an excellent example of the energy transfer between kinetic energy to heat and friction. To begin with, the potential kinetic energy is transferred into kinetic energy when we push the car. When the car starts rolling, the kinetic energy will transform into heat and friction and eventually burn all the kinetic energy, and the vehicle will stop moving. Toy cars are exceedingly popular because they are very sensorily engaging. It teaches people how their actions can make something happen. To make this car more environmentally friendly, we could replace the vehicle’s plastic and use wood instead. 


Toy Car 

Lastly, a product that can show signs of energy transfer is a fidget cube, A fidget cube helps people to deal with stress when they feel overwhelmed. The fidget cube is a very convenient and handy toy because of its size and more importantly, it can show signs of energy transfer. The energy transfer involved in this is kinetic energy and gravitationally potential energy. Although this product seems simple and relatively easy compared to the presidents, it is extremely difficult to build because there are many sides to a fidget cube.


A fidget Cube

Socratic Seminar Reflection

What did I do well in the formative Socratic seminar?  

I did a great job contributing my ideas to the seminar because I prepared multiple questions before our seminar. For instance, in the understanding and interpretation section, I have met this standard. This suggests that I have successfully contributed my ideas during the seminar.

What do I still need to work on?

I need to work on my collaboration skills because I interrupted my fellow peers during the seminar. I also need to slow down and not ignore questions that my peers have. Furthermore, I need to try and include others more often.  For example, in standard speaking and listening, I recived an approching for this section because i interupted others and didnt build on to their ideas.

What goals do I have for next time?  

I want to respond and listen to my peers more often in the upcoming seminars.  This goal is reflected by my speaking and listing standard where I need to slow down and not ignore my peers’ questions. Furthermore, I need to try and include others more often. For example, I received an approaching for this section in the standard speaking and listening because I interrupted others and didn’t build on their ideas.

What steps will I take to achieve these goals?  

Next time, I’ll build on my peer’s ideas and not interrupt them. This is a goal because I received an approaching in the speaking in listening criteria.

Reading Reflection #2

The book “You’re welcome universe” is what I have been recently reading. It talks about how Julia, a deaf girl, expresses herself by making illegal grafting paintings. Although spray picture public space is not allowed, she still would risk making art even if she could get into jail for vandalism. in this book, I am currently reading page 189 and believe the story is getting to its climax. My overall impression of this novel is not great because this book tries to justify the vandal crime. However, I recommend this book to people interested in action and thrill because this book contains a lot of exciting scenes. A potential theme for this book is to encourage people to rebel and protest against inequality.

Reading reflection 1

In Robin Brande’s book entitled: “Fat Cat.” The protagonist cat initially believes that she isn’t loved because of her physical appearance but later understands that true love comes from within. This book connects to me personally because, in the story, Cat overcomes many challenges such as academic problems and social anxiety. Conversely, I did not have social anxiety, but I sometimes struggled with academic issues. Also, this book mentions a lot about science which may be an exciting category some readers are looking for. After reading this novel, I realized how much a person could change if they try hard enough and work hard. For example, at the beginning of the book, Cat is laughed at by other kids because of her appearance, but after having a diet, everyone has a different perspective of her. I recommend this book to people who have social and appearance anxiety because, in the book, the protagonist deals with these problems in various ways. I also suggest people that have relationship struggles come and read this book because it gives excellent relationship advice. Lastly, this book also has a lot of exciting topics, such as self-awareness and how to overcome them. For instance, on Page 206, it talks about how the Cat did not want to swim because she looked “fat,” but on page 256, she realizes the opinion of others doesn’t matter. Overall, this is a great book, and it was very entertaining to read. 10/10

Filmmaking 1, A story in 5 shots

    1. Close up of the hands. For my first shot, I filmed my hands playing with the camera.
    2. Closeup of the face. For the second shot, I framed it well enough so I cut off the top of the head.
    3. Wide shot. For the third shot, I took another video of me just chilling with my camera but further away.
    4. Over the shoulder. For this fourth shot, I took a video of me putting the camera back to the case.
    5. Unusual. I took a weird angle of myself leaving the classroom.


SWOT introduction

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