In Robin Brande’s book entitled: “Fat Cat.” The protagonist cat initially believes that she isn’t loved because of her physical appearance but later understands that true love comes from within. This book connects to me personally because, in the story, Cat overcomes many challenges such as academic problems and social anxiety. Conversely, I did not have social anxiety, but I sometimes struggled with academic issues. Also, this book mentions a lot about science which may be an exciting category some readers are looking for. After reading this novel, I realized how much a person could change if they try hard enough and work hard. For example, at the beginning of the book, Cat is laughed at by other kids because of her appearance, but after having a diet, everyone has a different perspective of her. I recommend this book to people who have social and appearance anxiety because, in the book, the protagonist deals with these problems in various ways. I also suggest people that have relationship struggles come and read this book because it gives excellent relationship advice. Lastly, this book also has a lot of exciting topics, such as self-awareness and how to overcome them. For instance, on Page 206, it talks about how the Cat did not want to swim because she looked “fat,” but on page 256, she realizes the opinion of others doesn’t matter. Overall, this is a great book, and it was very entertaining to read. 10/10